should i continue to forgo and pay any medical insurance well checks emergencies out of pocket?

Should i continue to forgo and pay any medical insurance (well checks, emergencies) out of pocket?

I just accepted a new position that will offer insurance. My family has been without insurance for 3 years. We feel like it’s a waste of money now. 
- We have a four year old.
Medical Insurance Care
- Two 30 year old adults with no known health issues.
Should I continue to forgo and pay any medical (well checks, emergencies) out of pocket?

Answers (33)

  • The unexpected stitches, ER trips, etc for kids I paid those medical bills for YEARS. Lesson learned. Insurance for sure.

    • Jena S. Hall

      If you get medical with your new position why wouldn’t you???  You never know when an emergency will arise and the extra stress lvls associated with having no insurance is not worth it/

    • NO, please get your family insured! One hospital stay could wipe you out financially and ruin your credit. You have car insurance, right? Health insurance and dental insurance are so very important.

    • I wouldn’t ever risk having no health insurance. Not for one second. You are one unforeseen accident or illness away from financial ruin without it.

      • Sara Paxton

        Get the insurance and use it for preventative care as well as any emergencies that may come up. Yearly physicals and blood work can catch issues early (possibly saving u money and even your life).

        • Ronald Curtis

          My personal opinion… I would personally never go without health insurance. I a family member  mine had an outpatient day surgery go very badly and was in ICU overnight and in the hospital for over a week… almost $100k later, my only out of pocket cost was the $600 hospital stay deductible.

        • Accept the insurance offered by your new company. If any of you face a health catastrophe (severe illness or major accident) it will be a blessing to you.

        • I thought like you too before... I was young and healthy and didn't think I would ever need insurance. However it came with the job so I had it. GOOD THING because at my young healthy age of 30 my appendix exploded! Can you imagine all the bills that I was going to pay out of pocket, and what if I did not have a job??? It is unimaginable.

          • Kristy Hille

            Get the insurance! Trust me! God forbid anything happens but you never know with life. You can loose everything with medical bills if it’s bad enough. Better safe than sorry

            • Vikki Frank

              I’d totally get insurance. You never know what unexpected expense you’ll come across.
              My c section cost $80k. And that’s the non-emergency one I had. The emergency one was more!
              With insurance it’s covered. Now imagine an accident plus ambulance and er and pediatric specialty hospital stay for your 4 year old
              We’re talking 100s of thousands of dollars.
              The risk is not worth it.

            • Reasons to get insurance:
              1. Car Accident
              2. Child has accident playing
              3. Virus
              You just never know. You can’t anticipate when it will happen but you can be prepared. There’s many more things that can come up like mental health issues, etc and you just never know when you need to see a doctor. You’ve been lucky this long but I wouldn’t chance ruining your life if something happens and then owing thousands and thousands of dollars later.

            • I took that gamble once… in the first month without health insurance, my sons appendix burst & leaked in his gut for a couple weeks before we knew it was burst. By the time he had any symptoms, he was hyper-infected & spent 55 days in children’s hospital for $980,000

            • My brother almost died from a burst appendix. He was 8 years old at the time and spent 2 months in the hospital. Everything was paid out of pocket as well.
              And my boy was 8 also. He was deathly ill.

              • Tanaya Lewis

                When I was 21, my 24 year old husband was in an accident, torn liver torn aorta, broken ribs broken hips broken leg, icu for months, many surgeries, pt for years - millions of dollars covered by insurance, now get the insurance as soon you can.

                • Michael Clay

                  Not to mention if the insurance is taken out of your paycheck it’s a pre tax deduction, thus lowering your taxable income, thus you pay less taxes and can get a bigger return… So ya. Keep or get an Insurance coverage.

                  • Lance Parker

                    Just greedily, actually.
                    We in the U. S. ALL suffer from the disease of EXTORTION.
                    Could you stand a really serious medical issue occurring? An emergency that could cost many thousands of dollars.
                    Insurance is more about managing potential risks than today’s reality.
                    I would absolutely get the insurance and take full advantage of things like annual physicals.

                  • When my mother was 20, she had a terrible neck ache one night. Within 24 hours she lay dying in a hospital room with Spinal Niceria meningitis. She was the only student that lived that near after contracting meningitis. Tens of thousands in hospitals bills. She did nothing wrong. Just contracted a deadly airborne illness.
                    10 years ago my sister took a minor ski fall and shattered both her legs due to undiagnosed Celiac which caused Osteopenia. In a four year olds. 50,000+ in bills.
                    Moral? Get the insurance. No one ever thinks ‘it’s going to happen to me’ until it does.

                    • Katie Hoyt

                      I had a appendectomy out of nowhere, and even with insurance, still owed $6000. There’s no way I could have afforded it without!
                      My mom just found out she had a brain tumor in April. She had it removed in June. Her total medical bills were $150,000+. She is only paying like $5000 total for it. She had no health issues, and the tumor didn’t cause any side effects until out of nowhere, her left side went weak. I wouldn’t risk not having insurance. You NEVER know what crazy things can come up.

                      • Aaren Myers

                        Oh dang! Seriously, get the insurance. You have been very fortunate this far. All it takes is one car accident, or a single trip to the ER to really hurt you financially. Great health can only go so far. We all age and our bodies naturally begin to break down. Plus, if an unexpected pregnancy were to happen, those bills would rack up pretty fast.

                      • My husband and I have no known health issues. Then we had a daughter who’s on the autism spectrum. Some of her therapy is covered by insurance. No matter how much we plan, life happens. Get some form of insurance. If you never need it, consider it a blessing.

                      • No... what happens if you get in an accident?. It might cost over a hundred thousand dollars. Thank goodness for insurance, if you do not have it, then you must pay some how.

                        • Wendy Lindsey

                          We have terrible insurance. For the past 4 years we didn't really use it because everything is out of pocket because of such a high deductible. But this year hubby had a mini stroke and then this summer he broke his foot and needed surgery. We'd be in a world of hurt if we didn't have insurance.

                          • Mark Landon

                            In the Florida and California states, I could not imagine being uninsured. It takes one second to destroy your entire life. As much as I despise insurance companies, they are a necessary evil. Medical debt ruins people. American health care is insanely overpriced even WITH insurance.

                          • Take the insurance. It is great that you have no known health issues, but you never know when you might be in a car accident, or the kids or you need a doctor. I would get it. I never want to be without some kind of insurance, especially medical!

                            • Angel So

                              In America and where I live we can rely on the public system to take care of us. However I’ve had phi for over 20 years. Do yourself and your family a favour - take it. You just don’t know what will happen in the future.

                              • Alba Sandino

                                Absolutely yes. I had no issues then suddenly needed my gallbladder taken out. My gallbladder surgery didn’t go well and I needed an additional two surgeries after. I also had a week long stay in the hospital and outpatient IV antibiotics. Had I not had insurance we would be over 100k in debt.

                                • Sky Bashien

                                  My 5 year old became diabetic, spent a time in intensive care unit 3 different times $$,$$$.$$ I was pregnant when this first happened. When my second child was 4 he was diagnosed with cancer. He had 2 years of chemo and radiation.
                                  If he had not been covered by my insurance and my husband's insurance we would have lost our house. I was working full-time with a part-time job and my husband was working tons of overtime. I almost never saw my husband except for the chemo appointments. We worked opposite shifts so one of us were always there for both medically challenged children.
                                  I am very thankful for insurance.

                                  • Loren Swarts

                                    My son was 11 when he was diagnosed with cancer. If we would not have had insurance we would have had to file for bankruptcy. From where you sit, you can’t fathom the unfathomable. I would never risk my financial health due to not having health insurance.

                                    • Vanessa Leal

                                      I hope he’s free of cancer now.
                                      Pay for the insurance and peace of mind. It’s about your health! There’s lots of ways to be frugal but not this! I also had the same mentally (but with 1 kid at the time), and thought it was a waste but in the same year (2010), we had an elbow surgery and therapy, chiropractic care, allergic reactions which lead to allergists and specialist doctors, a sprained ankle with boot and crutches, and prenatal care with our fourth.

                                    • One slip on the ice, one car accidentally hitting yours, one developmental delay and you could be in collections for years. My son got pushed off the playground in kindergarten and broke his arm. It cost us thousands! No matter how careful and healthy you are accidents happen…and they are expensive!

                                      • Santos Avila

                                        One gallbladder or appendix surgery could bankrupt you-no way should you continue to go without health insurance.
                                        I remember my 30s when I started having a major illness.
                                        Just a small medical issue can take everything you have. Insurance is a safety net you're gonna need.

                                        • Santos Avila

                                          One gallbladder or appendix surgery could bankrupt you-no way should you continue to go without health insurance.
                                          I remember my 30s when I started having a major illness.
                                          Just a small medical issue can take everything you have. Insurance is a safety net you're gonna need.

                                        • I’m this country and cannot imagine being without medical insurance as an American. Even if I’m in another state other than mine for a week I make sure I have insurance that week cause god forbid anything happens I don’t want to be financially ruined because of it.

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