Does anyone feel like they don't have a spirit guide, guardian angel or really anything looking after them?

Does anyone feel like they don't have a spirit guide, guardian angel or really anything looking after them?
We all do, but it could just mean your a more "mature" soul and you've done this so many times you don't need as much guidance sometimes as many other "younger" souls.

My guardian Angel
Imaginary friend?

Answers (17)

  • Well shit, I have spirits around me all the time. My guardian angel is always at my right. I say the Guardian Angel prayer all the time too so it keeps him close to me. Try it.

  • I see them going in and out of me all day sometimes. all different colors, I sense the Holy Spirit too in me because He is always guiding my thoughts and feelings to be good. Its very subtle, you have to pay attention. I hear and see spirits, i feel them too. all around me. in my room too. silhouettes of beings. i'm never scared. they are just here to help. If you read some of my older posts you will get a better idea of me. Angels, Demons, and spirits are just a fact of my life. I can see shadow people too just thought i might add that.

    • Wendy Lindsey

      How do you know? something you sense? hear? feel? see?
      How do you know it’s not mental “illness” or hallucinations?
      I say that with caution because I absolutely do believe that it happens and people can, and everything you describe is within the realm of possibility.. So i’m not questioning you personally, i am genuinely asking how you, or anyone for that matter, *would* be able to trust themselves to know the difference. I’ve gone through several periods of time that were rich with phenomenon. Each time i would try to hold onto particularly powerful experiences, to feel them, to show metacognitive acceptance, in the event I was unsure later. And still yet months later i still find myself wondering if I was really “just crazy”.

      • Mark Landon

        All i can say is they call it schizophrenia. 
        I call it psychic.
         So i'm guessing its a little of both.
         I've had experiences where i'm here, and in between, and there completely.
         I've done experiments with tones and meditation, witchcraft. 
        All kinds of stuff.
         So maybe somewhere along the line i broke passed the veil and unlocked something.
         I can feel a spirit right next to me and i can lock onto them like a heat seeking rocket. 
        I would like its the unknown hun. 
        I just take it as it comes. It could be nothing or EVERYTHING.

      • If someone here wonders what is the Guardian Angel prayer?
        It is a male or a female Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits thee here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule, to guide. Amen.

        • Angel So

          I feel like God is looking out for me, and He frequently answers my prayers, but not an angel per say. Then again, I'm a tad creeped out by anything watching me 24/7.

          • Alba Sandino

            If you believe in God he's always watching he's the beginning and the end and I'm a firm believer in the ying and the yang can't have good without evil.

            • Sky Bashien

              I don’t know anymore but, was sure I had at least two or three growing up. I could have dies so many times. My grandma used to tell me I must have a couple guardian Angel.

              • Jaurin Castro

                I have always felt that I have I'll call it a voice of reason and it never fails if don't listen to that little quiet voice I end up in a world of hurt.

                • Loren Swarts

                  No goddess guide for me i feel i use to have my nannas mum as my gardisn but after my nanna passed i haven't seen her at all

                  • Vanessa Leal

                    I talk to mine on a often basis... they guide me and help me heal... they help my guide others that are struggling. I honestly don't know what I would do without them... I can be infuriating at times and they stick around anyway .

                  • I feel I've been through many many struggles without any. 
                    I have a spirit guide, but she is to my left sometimes, i think most of the time..

                    • Santos Avila

                      I have a guardian angel or God jus got really big plans for me, well sometimes I feel that they are always there talking to me though my head or the heart.

                    • Seriously I had times when I've gone to do something really stupid and had a voice in my head screaming at me not to do it and I listened only to see the devastating realization that if I had processed I would have been in the thick of it and would not be coming out in a great way or alive.

                    • I know if I have to ask myself if it's right or wrong, it's WRONG! I don't need to ask myself when I'm making good decisions.

                      • Louise Fekete

                        You have one it is up to them if want be seen or known by you or not. Stop looking at all the bad stuff that happen in you life as bad. Look for the good you find things will start going you way.

                      •  I tried that and didn't work just kept getting worse so no.
                        Then I thought, maybe you are on the wrong path a need to choose a different one. It take time for things to get you have to work at it. It will not happen over night. take for someone has loss it all and can stand on her own to feet now.

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