Do You Realize If You Buy A Starbucks Cup Of Coffee Per Day You Will Spend Over $1,800.00 In A Year?

Do you realize If You Buy A Starbucks Cup Of Coffee Per Day You Will Spend Over $1,800.00 In A Year?

My parents got me reusable starbucks cups and a milk frother because I just can't get over having fancy coffee, but I refuse to pay the Starbucks price! Do you realize if you buy a cup of coffee that averages $5.00 every day, you will spend over $1,800.00 in a year! I don't know about you but I can think of a lot of other things I would like to spend that kind of money on!
UPDATE: For everyone wondering about my cost; it's 51cents for coffee (enough for both husband to have his cup of black coffee and my drink), 5 Cents for the serving size of milk I use, and 18 cents for flavoring syrup per serving. So the drink I made is about 74 cents a cup.  So if I did drink this every day, I would spend about $270.00 a year.
Save Money With A Starbucks Cup Of Coffee
You could e throwing your money away!!!

Answers (38)

    • Linda Kutzer

      Wow, there’s some nitpicking going on in these comments! Let’s calculate the gas you’d use going to the coffee shop and the time spent as well if we really need to get down to it.
      I love making my coffee at home, cheers to you for kicking the coffee shop habit and finding a less expensive replacement. Love it! 

    • I never buy coffee at a coffee shop. I made a little coffee bar at home with flavored syrups, creamers, whipped cream and a frother and we always make our own. Tastes better because you can make it to your liking and soooo much cheaper. Win win!

      • Gino

        I like a cup of coffee with a Donut from Dunkin Donuts every day, I just love it.
        Dunkin Donuts Cup Of Coffee With A Donut
        It has a great flavor.

      • I don’t drink coffee from that shop because I was raised in a coffee farm drinking real coffee. I think the coffee sold at Starbucks is burned or is not 100% coffee (it has like a fake old taste). I can’t drink it.
        I love tea. When I eat out or travel I just ordered hot water and make my own tea if I don't fond Dunkin Donuts coffee

      • It most definitely tastes burnt. I was told it's over roasted. 
        Some other people at my job are saying that, at that food and drinks business, they never throw away the old coffee, and they save it till the next day to mix it with the new one.

        • Jenny Slate

          I have a Nespresso machine. The pods are a little bit pricier. But the coffee is amazing. I don’t drink this every day. It’s a special treat, my husband bought the machine for me 9 years ago. So we have been making specialty coffees for 9 years and been saving money that way. The pods work out to be about .70 cents a pod. Plus the milk which I shop at aldis. So not too bad. I would say one cup of a caramel macchiato comes out to around 1- 1.25. Compared to the 5-6 bucks at start bucks. It’s my special treat when I need a pick me up. Or when we have guests.

          Nespresso Coffee Espresso Machine

          • Demi Hale

            I order Jordan’s skinny syrups in bulk once a year and I make my fancy coffee at home too. I absolutely love it and I don’t have to waste time, money or gas going to a coffee shop
            May be an image of food, bottle and text that says '5:41 Build 12-Pack: Buy 10, Get Free Check Out- x Mixes Spend $59.00 more f0r free shipping Holidays Happy Holidays Syrup Trio $14.99 Holiday Syrup Sampler $41.94 $34.99 add το cart add to cart Fall Favorites Pack Pumpkin Lovers Sampler $64.99 $49.99 $41.94 $34.99 add to cart.
            Jordan Skinny Syrups

            • Gracie Fields

              It’s worth it to me to get an iced latte but 95 percent of the time I only get it at a local coffee shop to support local businesses. And I only get it 2 times a week TOPS. Usually more like once a week. I bought a Nespresso machine and have been making my own lattes, they are really tasty! But I love the “experience”. Probably because I have two babies and enjoy my little treats as they are my only treats period.

            • I don't go to coffee houses often ( maybe 2 times a year) But when I do I have, I say, I just paid for the equivalent of a meal for my family with this small cup of lubricant for my bowel.

            • I made a rule when I did my no buy year in 2017 that I could only get Starbucks with gift cards I was given. Honestly makes getting a cup really special. I still have a $30 left from the year

              • Tabitha Scott

                Have been making my own since the prices are ridiculous. Got a Keurig, use the espresso and milk frothed and it tastes better. Saving bigggg $$$

              • How do you make espresso with a Keurig machine? I'm super new to coffee

                • Vikki Frank

                  Welcome to the world of coffee.
                  I assume many people in this forum have the same Keurig as us.
                  It has a milk frother and a “shot” option.
                  Make a shot add syrup, drop into frothed milk.
                  Top with caramel or whatever and enjoy. Hope it helps.

                  • Kristy Hille

                    Everybody has their thing, if coffee is yours, that’s not a big deal. Enjoy it whether you make it or pick it up everyday.

                    • Darcy Carden

                      We make iced coffee’s every day for hubs and myself. I buy the syrups off of stores online and we brew our own cold brew. Also use almond milk which usually costs at least $1 extra to substitute in. Saves us so much money! But, I recognize the quality and Starbucks has very unique foods and drinks like the Coffee.

                    • We use almond milk too, but buy the shelf stable almond milk from Costco and are still able to make them for under a dollar a piece.

                      • Janet Brown

                        My sister is a barista and says: so many of the favorites can be easily replicated! Though she considers it one perk of her job to caffeinated for free, but picking a favorite drink, buying the supplies for it-especially taking into account servings/shelf life-can really cut down on coffee markups! And the cute cup really does help.

                      • Quality service has a high price, and coffee drink is a high quality product too.
                        Can you tell me how to replicate the Carmel brûlée? It’s my favorite.

                      • I never drink fancy coffee. I figure why ruin a perfect cup of black coffee. I love black coffee with nothing in it except maybe some extra shots of espresso. If I am out I may get one a month maybe but I make mine every morning

                        • Kathy Cowser

                          I can try my best and experiment today at work! I’m not a Starbucks barista but I have tried that one and it is delicious! I work part time job for Nordstrom’s line of Espresso Bars so I’ve got their menu down pat but I have replicated many from Starbucks on my sister's bar as a little project of mine. Currently experimenting with cold foams, and all the ways to incorporate apple juice, I’ll look up and try the caramel brûlée though!

                          • Nick Williams

                            My sister loved the Nordstrom Ebar! She worked at store 6 for 6 years! It isn’t coffee but back in day was orange cream aka dreamsicle! That drink and pizza bagel put 10 pounds on her, she said!

                          • I bought an Instant Milk Frother because I’d rather buy ingredients and experiment at home than pay the prices at coffee shops regularly. Way better for the wallet long term.

                            • Nicole Healey

                              This is what my sister and I do too. It is so much cheaper and tastes just as good if not better. For roughly $1.50 the 3 of us at home can have a Starbucks / Dutch Bros. quality drink where as it would be $15-20 per day after tipping.

                              • Maureen Black

                                I’ve never found a Starbucks drink (or coffee) I like and I’ve genuinely tried, because people love gifting me Starbucks gift cards.

                                • Doni Fishback

                                  And the amount of extra calories is insane! Their coffees should be a treat, not a daily part of our diet.

                                  • Eddie Brown

                                    We at home do this all the grated oranges and lemon and lime peels.
                                    I keep in freezer and add to recipes.

                                    • Sowmya M

                                      Same, I can’t give up my fancy coffee! I would go to Starbucks almost everyday and sometimes twice a day. My husband gifted me a Keurig Cafe and now I make as many shots as I want. I can make it iced or hot with the froth, syrups, whip cream and diff creamers. I’ve saved soooo much.

                                    • I'm glad other people don't go if they don't have to.
                                      My go to is espresso powder coffee and creamer- hits the spot!

                                    • This is what I do. In fact I’ve taken it a step further and make my own syrups. I get migraines and can’t use most store bought syrups. I just made my own chocolate syrup to make mochas. It costs pennies on the dollar to make (haven’t done the calculations), lasts forever in the fridge, is very easy and fewer weird ingredients. You can find a recipe for just about any syrup online.

                                      • Eva Kindness

                                        Girl, my niece works at Starbucks. She says in my area, the average drink is closer to $9.00 and yes, she said there are people who come in every single day. 7 days a week.

                                        • Justice Dalton

                                          I had to stop. Would rather but clothes! Well maybe I would not go if I did not get a big discount. Local coffee shops are typically better (and cheaper) anyways.

                                          • Jake Frost

                                            I’ve been making my coffees at home too and I’ve seen a BIG change in my bank account. And it even tastes better than Starbucks!
                                            Your drink looks so delicious. How’s the almond syrup taste like? I’ve never seen it

                                            • Lindsay Allen

                                              Yes 100% agree !! In the past I worked at starbucks for two weeks for the free coffee and then i realized half of it was sugar! They barely use any coffee!! And their actual coffee isn't that good ( imo )
                                              I started making cold brew at home its so easy and lasts for days!!

                                              • Georgia Tech

                                                Starbucks is a very rare treat for us over the last few years. When I realized I can make yummy coffee at home for a fraction of the price it cured me of wanting Starbucks all the time.

                                                • Mariah Rose

                                                  My mom had started doing this after she had to quit  her job. Unfortunately coffee started making her very sick. She was making great coffee too!! But I like my coffees.

                                                • It looks delicious! I just drink drip coffee at home usually with some creamer. About every 2 weeks I'll go to a coffee stand and treat myself (not a fan of Starbucks personally but I perfectly could be).

                                                • Looks delicious! I just drink drip coffee at home usually with some creamer. About every 2 weeks I'll go to a coffee stand and treat myself (not a fan of Starbucks personally).

                                                • Yes!!!! You got it.
                                                  I’m such a coffee addict….I don’t know how folks get to the Starbucks without coffee.
                                                  Road to riches is paved with $5 a day habits!

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