Do you actually believe that daughter who passed away brought me a dog?

 Do you actually believe that daughter who passed away brought me a dog?

I believe my daughter who passed away brought me a dog. 
On Sat Feb 12, I had mentioned to my husband that I was thinking about getting another dog. That night I dreamt that my 3 kids and my husband went to get a dog and came back upset because they couldn’t get one. On Sunday Feb 13, my husband and I went to drop off my deceased daughters car to the mechanic, I had to park in the street because the driveway was blocked. When I was outside, a dog came out of nowhere and started circling me and jumping on my leg as if she knew me. I was afraid for her safety because I didn’t want her to get run over. I also noticed no collar, and the poor girl looked like she had been in the streets for a very long time. What did I do, I took this as a sign that my daughter brought this beautiful homeless fur baby to me, so I took her home. I actually asked around if anyone knew who she belonged too, no one knew. She’s now a part of our family, I named her Molly. 
I do believe my daughter put her in my path because she knew I would take her in and give her a good life. Molly went from the streets to a inside dog and is loving her new life.
Daughter Brought Me My Dog Molly
THank You For Supporting This Post About My LOved Daughter and Her Dog Molly.

Answers (53)

  • That doggie will have the absolute best life ever if you keep her. Xoxo

    • Shelley Long

      This is a beautiful story, and I 100% believe that little Molly was sent to you by your daughter. My condolences to you on your loss. May you and Molly have many happy adventures together - she is certainly blessed to have found a mama like you. 

      • Leslie Parker

        The truth is that I simply took this as a sign from my daughter, I asked around and no one knew who she belonged too. I didn’t even think about checking to see if she’s microchipped. Now I’m a bit sad, but hopefully she’s not microchipped. She looked like she hadn’t been bathed in months and she had ticks, she’s good now though 

        • Deena Johnson

          Do not check for the microchip. Molly was meant for you. If there were owners who truly cared, Molly would not have been in the streets that long!! No signs put out?? Please keep her....she's a gift!!

        • She should vet her and check for a microchip.
          I agree it is a sign from your daughter, however, “Molly” could possibly have a beautiful story already. If they went to the trouble and expense of micro chipping her chances are they love her. “Molly” may have needed you to help her find her family. Then again where she came from May never be discovered and then you are blessed with her for the remainder of her days. Just knowing you have been touched by YOUR Angel is the greatest blessing of all! Molly is blessed to have you to be put in her life either way. My deepest condolences for the loss of your daughter, May many more blessings be bestowed upon you as you traverse through this life here on earth with your daughters spiritual presence so profound!

        • My dear friend…I’ve known you long enough to know your intentions are always good when it comes to both people and pets. The pic you posted of Molly is AFTER her being cleaned up.
          I’ve been on both sides of this fence with lost pets. Whose to really say?
          Bottom line? But Give a broken-hearted mother a break critics! She has just lost a child for crying out loud. She wasn’t posting so we can go all middle earth about animal rights or her animal rescuing….
          She was posting about a moment she believes her daughter brought her FOR COMFORT; because her daughter loved her and knew her mother well.
          So, my dear friend, please don’t beat yourself up for not immediately thinking the super scrappy, flea and tick infested dog was anything but a message and a gift

          • Sarah Fier

            Love to you! Sending prayers for comfort and strength. Ignore those who care more about an unknown heartache than a known one. Xo

          • There could be many reasons why original owners are unable to find there missing pet. I would be devastated if I was the original owner and someone didn’t check for a microchip and just claimed them! We are talking about someone’s family,not an object

            • Roy Salas

              You must check for a chip. There may be someone looking for her
               Do what's in your heart. That will be the right thing.

            • You did the right thing in saving the dog. I am sure your daughter would be happy about that!

            • My condolences for your heavily broken heart. Your pain is unimaginable. You are in my prayers. Yes, your angel brought you a new life to love as your own to help your heart mend. Love this fur baby as your heart still has so much to give.

            • Even if I want to believe that the pet came to you and that you love her so much because believing she came from your heaven's daughter, that pet could be somebody's lost baby. I hope you do a little make sure her family isn't suffering without her. dog shelter, newspaper, local FB lost pets page.

              • Juliana Tyson

                I agree that's a lost dog someone is missing her, I suggest she takes it to the nearest vet to see if she is chipped

                • Enid Matos

                   She posted it out here for good sake. She said she looked for an owner.
                  Anyway - you missed the whole point of her story I am thinking.
                  She seems like the kind of caring person who would return the dog if original owner pops up.
                  I am happy the dog got good care when it needed some.

                • It is grateful she found the baby.
                  But the dog should be checked for chip.

                • my 'really question' to you was aimed at your statement that she posted on 'this Book page, as if the dogs owner is going to catch this post. She could be in California, I'm in NC...who knows about our locations, you're probably in the mid-west somewhere. Just not a likely place to find an owner. I hope she gets to keep the dog, but I hope even more, she tries hard to find the owner.

                  • Yasmin Lee

                    Someone is surely missing that adorable little pup.
                    She may have been out there for a while.
                    She looks bright eyed and healthy.
                    Check the rescues and shelters near you to see if anyone is looking.
                    You can even post on Book Of Likes in your area.
                    Make sure someone has proof it’s theirs.
                    Your daughter may have put it in your path to help find its home.
                    If no one comes forward, then keep it.
                    Bless you for taking it in.

                  • It happens so many times, it’s a blessing she rescued the dog but if she hasn’t notified Animal Control, checked for a chip, and posted in newspapers then she may be breaking someone’s heart every day. If she does all that THEN the dog was meant for her, if her family claims her it’s a sign she should rescue an UNWANTED dog and to give that one the love it deserves

                  • I hope she took it to the vet and had it checked for a chip. Hopefully there was no chip.

                    • Lisa Brown

                      Some people remove the collar and dump the unwanted pet because they are moving or they want a different dog. I kind of feel that is what is going on.

                    • I hope she reported also that she found him to Animal Control where anyone who loses a dog should call, and tells them she will hold for whatever the time local ordinances call for. In many states that is the law, notifies local veterinarians, and advertises in the paper. If anyone claims they must supply proof of ownership: veterinarian records and photos. After all that he is meant for her, if a heartbroken owner gets their baby back, she saved a life and is meant, now that she has opened her heart, to save an animal with no hope

                    • She got vet to check its got no chip. She wrote that.
                       I agree, the dog looks well fed and previously groomed. No way she is a stay.

                      • Nadia Boyer

                        I know that, but this pet is the cutest baby. It probably belongs to someone.
                        If you haven't tried to find out if someone is missing her then it's not yours. Or maybe she brought this one to see you take it to the shelter and find the true one the one the dies need rescued. And if someone is missing this fur baby because someone else stole it and dumped it if they know it has a chip their hearts are breaking. If after all that and you have tried your hardest to return home then she is yours.

                      • It is absolutely correct, we have had lots of dogs stolen in my area of the country and they dump them in other towns if they find out they have a chip. She looks like a happy little fur ball.

                      • She may have needed a home and you are as good dog mom for sure but someone is grieving the loss of their beloved pet they was lost possibly far from the area you found her in. Call your local humane so piety and make sure she isn't on the list of lost pets..and take her to the vet to check for a chip..she grew up somewhere they are wondering where she is

                        • Dana Cookson

                          That is amazing! I believe this precious fur baby is sent by your dear daughter!! It is all about her love for you and this pup is sharing that love from her to you! I'm so very sorry for your loss! Hugs and Prayers!

                        • That story made me smile and tear up. I'm so sorry about the death of your daughter. no parent should have to experience this event. I think Molly definitely has direct contact with your angel she's here for a reason, I hope she eases your pain that is great story big hugs.

                          • Ethan Currier

                            I've never seen a dog literally smile as big as this lucky girl. I'm so sad about your daughter's passing but then you give us this wonderful ending and what a selfless ending. Your daughters spirit is in Molly, hence her jumping on your leg like she knew you, because she DOES know you and very intimately she knows you. I really believe this hon.

                            • Grainger Long

                              OMG Molly is adorable and precious.
                              Thank you for saving her.
                              Please accept my deepest condolences and sympathy for your loss.

                            • I think you are right, remember you now have a guardian angel & she right with you all the time. Treasure your little heartfelt gift you are so lucky.

                              • Luis Alonso

                                Beautiful pup!! Did the vet give you and estimated age for her?

                                • Leslie Parker

                                  I just came back from the vet, Molly is not microchipped.
                                  I do believe she was sent to me by my daughter. So she’s staying with my family. Thank you to everyone for your love, support and understanding.
                                  My daughter Leslie Jr knew what she was doing in bringing Molly into our lives. No more streets or ticks for Molly, only a forever home.

                                  • Amarie Sieg

                                    She's precious. I'm glad you two found each other!
                                    Most dogs aren’t microchipped but a call to the police would be great. If no one reported her then she’s yours

                                    • Carla Gifts

                                      Same thing happened with me after my son died.

                                    • What a difference between the two pics. You can tell she’d had a rough life in the first pic. Now she looks so happy and loved! I’m so incredibly sorry for the loss you’ve endured. I 100% believe your daughter sent you this puppy to help bring joy to your life after her passing. May God bring you peace and comfort!

                                    • After my boyfriend passed he sent me a great dog...I have no doubt it was from him...God bless you and enjoy your gift of love.

                                    • As much as I love my adopted beautiful girl and I also believe she was a gift from God after my other fur babies passed, I will still always carry some guilt that I have taken her away from her original family. When I adopted her the lady at the adoption agency told me after 8 days they legally belong to the agency..8 days!!! Of course Id climb a mountain to find my missing family but what if someone else’s circumstances were different and were unable to find them in that time?
                                      Please get her microchipped just to be sure.
                                      But bless you for taking her in and getting her off the streets ❤️

                                    • I believe that God knew u needed this baby ! My boy appeared out of the woods to my home 3 years ago when he was about 4 months old. I don't have any kids but I have been thru so much stress since he came along! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel that I have to keep going , I have to get outta bed to take him for his daily ride in the car to get his MacDonald's food!. Even when I don't feel like it. God sends us these babies

                                      • Erma Davis

                                        That’s why when you have a pet, get them chipped. It’s the easiest way to find the owner.

                                        • Tara Bannon

                                          Sometimes people are even on vacation with someone else watching their pets when they get loose. Eight days is not enough time. It makes me feel really sad.

                                        • Good for you! I’m glad you took her home and are giving her love. God works in mysterious ways!
                                          My friend's husband, passed, he had always wanted a staffie.
                                          Not long after he passed, a staffie walked into her house as bold as brass an never left.
                                           So yes she was sent just like George was xx

                                        • I am so sorry for your loss. I really believe that your daughter sent little Molly to you & your family!! After all, doggies are angels on this earth!! Your precious little Molly, Looks just like our beautiful little girl, Lila!! We love her with all our heart and I can see the love & happiness in Molly's face, just like it is on Lila's little face!!! God Bless you for taking in that sweet little girl, that I believe was sent by your daughter.
                                          Happy Face Little Lila Dog

                                        • Beautiful story.
                                          Beautiful dog.
                                          Dogs are the BEST! Total unconditional love.
                                          Sorry you lost your daughter.
                                          I can’t even imagine but I do believe she brought this fur baby to you to give you comfort.

                                          • Bill Mayne

                                            That’s so sweet! You are so in tune to recognize this gift! And you saved a street pup from a hard life! My mom had a similar experience many years ago when I was young. A street doggie adopted her and that lovely dog became a cherished and much loved pet for 15 years. She was a 15 pound poodle Cocker spaniel mix dog. She was pregnant with a single lab puppy ( which was maybe the first “Labradoodle”? Before they were popular) and once he was weaned and she recovered, we had her fixed and she was just the sweetest most grateful pet for us. She wasn’t sent by a departed loved one, but I believe angels were involved somehow… 15 Pound Poodle Cocker Spaniel Mix

                                            • Bella Thorne

                                              Oh what a blessing, I believe dogs are Angels and I can see the love in this little dogs eyes in the second picture. She is thankful for the love you are giving her ♥️

                                            • Yes I'm very sure this was your daughter who put the dog in your path to be rescued.
                                              A gift from your daughter from beyond the grave, how wonderful for you and your family, and how blessed you are to have this beautiful animal soul in your lives. God bless.

                                              • Anita Joseph

                                                I am fully convinced my dad helped us attract our pandemic puppy (she and daughter in picture). My daughter drew a picture as part of a report she wrote to us arguing why we should get a puppy (and she understand all the care involved) and our puppy looked exactly like that picture. She has been with 1.5 years and has brought our family so much joy and healing. My father also loved dogs and always had them in his life.
                                                A Very Cute Pup Dog

                                                • Ally Brooke

                                                  Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and pictures of Molly. My sincere condolences for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I believe she certainly had a hand in sending you Molly. God bless!

                                                • Molly was sent to you by your daughter definitely!!!! She's very precious and you're a very special person enjoy your time with your lovely Molly. Best wishes.

                                                • There are no coincidences. She is extremely Happy. look at that smiling face. She was very sad before. I believe your daughter brought her to you to fill your hearts with love and take away your sadness.

                                                  • Rita Wilson

                                                    Thank you for rescuing this little dog.
                                                    Yes I believe your daughter sent you this dog to take care of.
                                                    Peace be with you.

                                                  • What a beautiful story, that’s how I would see it, she will have a loving home with you, it’s as if your daughter was looking after you, she knows you needed love and comfort, and sent a special angel down for you. Enjoy your baby she will be a great comfort and strength to you both x-x-x.

                                                    • Angela Gray

                                                      I believe your daughter put Molly in your path.
                                                      Hug and kisses for Molly everyday.
                                                      God bless you and your family for giving this precious baby a loving home.
                                                      God bless your daughter too.

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