Is there anything you were buying and now you completely given up buying it?

Is there anything you were buying and now you completely given up buying it?

Already years ago, I gave up buying fabric softener because of several reasons, one of those the price and another reason is that it can be easily replace by other good natural ingredient products.
The Fabric Softener High Price
Clothing fabric softener smell makes it an expensive product.

Answers (51)

    • Lisa Brown

      Why should we the consumer be forced to support something (local) that may not be the best product to be nice or politically correct. If local outlets want to compete, they have to evolve. This country is totally to “woke” for me.

      • Nadia Boyer

        I love my newspaper and save it to put down under the mulch for plants to keep weeds down.
        I practically break out in hives if I don't read the paper every day.
        A Free press is so important for a strong democracy.

        • Enid Matos

          The number of people saying they have given up buying newspapers on this post makes me want to cry.
          Newspapers are the backbone of a democracy, and journalists deserve to get paid.
          Please support local journalism.

        • Don’t feel too bad.
          Maybe those news papers you were buying to read have online subscriptions?

        • They do have online subscriptions. Some rely on an honesty system, not all.

        • You are going to hate me! Why when we cut down trees and throw them into the trash. Papers is out dated! The only papers I’ve brought were to wrap items for packing. I thought about buying to line my garden for compost but pricy.

        • Papers are NOT outdated!
          Online also enables a wider range of reading. I read online newspapers from all around the world. I pay a donation for a couple that I frequent, but many I would read one article a week, month or even maybe once or twice a year. A wide range of views and opinions is a very good thing.

        • Just for the record. That’s not supporting LOCAL journalism though.

          • Yasmin Lee

            It does if you pay or donate to local media.
            This year I will pay for two online publications, both local, because I read their publications regularly. I will read others for free.

          • They should find a healthy way to print!!! Their ink isn’t a good thing to get all over your fingers, walls, tables etc. That’s the truth.

          • Thank you! I’m a journalist, and my blood, sweat and tears goes into every word I write. It’s such a hard job.

          • My first wife has been an avid news paper woman, until recently her budget took a hit. And so, the newspaper has gone to the wayside.

            • Dana Cookson

              Nothing feels better than opening up the newspaper with your breakfast (said my father).

            • Multiple cleaners I stopped buying years ago. Most things you can find recipes for diy cleaner with vinegar.
              Shower cleaner is dawn soap and vinegar works amazing too. More effective cost, cleaner, and less chemicals in our home.
              Wool dryer balls instead of fabric sheets, sometimes I add a few drops of lavender like for sheets.
              Lunch containers are all reusable, avoid ziplocks.
              Use the library for books / audiobooks.

              • Ethan Currier

                Several years back I switched to a Soda Stream so I no longer buy carbonated drinks. I drink bubbled water plain or with lime. I’ve even found a neighbor who can refill the CO2 tanks for half the price of retail. No more cans to recycle and far more economical and much healthier for me.

              • Any of you have tried the soda flavors ? Been so curious I switched to tea but I miss soda.

                • Luis Alonso

                  I personally don't like the syrup flavors. Too artificial / sweet, maybe? I get my syrups from Portland syrups now. All natural and about the same price.

                  • Leslie Parker

                    When I realized I was spending $$$$ on bottled carbonated water I too bought one. Better to find ways of filtering the water and save money.

                    • Grainger Long

                      I live on the coast and 'almost' cut meat out of my diet. Save about $80 month, lost about 20 lbs in year without trying. health improved. I eat seafood, eggs, cheese and plant based protein...loosely a pescotarian diet. Probably would be harder if I didn't live on my own. When I really crave meat I eat out ( about twice a month)

                      • Amarie Sieg

                        Cleaning products. I use water and vinegar with a dash of dawn for just about everything. Windows, kitchen, bathroom, floors, carpets. Add a little of your favorite essential oil and it makes a nice air freshener too. Add citronella, peppermint, and lemon oil and it repells and kills fleas.

                        • Carla Gifts

                          I make my own fabric softener, laundry powder, window cleaner and an all purpose cleaner. I've been doing this for years, it is much cheaper and safer.

                        • Baking Soda Products
                          What's in your laundry powder? Mine is borax, Arm and Hammer super washing soda, Fels Naphtha.

                        • Vinegar( 1-1/2 c ) warm water (3 c) and Suave conditioner ( 12 oz )

                        • Kleenex. My whole life I’ve had a cold, wet, drippy nose (fine if you’re a dog but not so fine for a human) so I’ve always had boxes of tissues all over the house. A couple years ago, faced with possible shortages due to the pandemic, I bought a stack of a dozen or so soft, cotton hankies. Now I’ll grab one in the morning for dabbing my shnozz during the day, then toss it is the laundry basket at night. I can’t imagine doing the Kleenex box thing again.

                          • Erma Davis

                            Several cleaning products that include harsh chemicals, especially windex & anything containing bleach, Liquid fabric softener, expensive razors, expensive hair products
                            Replaced all with homemade & natural alternativesand lots of stuff more.

                          • I used to buy those plug in scents. They said it lasted 30 days but I never had one last that long. I decided to just keep the money because I felt like I was wasting it

                            • Tara Bannon

                              Never bought fabric softener, I use dryer balls. Bottled water, we got a filtration system for our whole house, especially after learning that it takes 7 bottles worth of water to make one plastic bottle and it's very wasteful to use single use plastics. Buying that system came with 7 years worth of laundry detergent, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, bars of soap, dish soap, dishwasher soap, glass cleaner, and all purpose cleaner, so we won't be buying those any time soon.

                            • So HAPPY you don’t use them anymore. They use artificial fragrances which often are toxic. ALL artificial fragrances are bad for our well being.

                            • Shredded cheese in a bag.
                              So easy to do it myself and I don't have all these bags with a little bit of cheese hidden in the corners of the fridge.

                            • Crystal Haas, took forever to get my husband to stop buying those bags. I hated the potato starch they add so it does not stick.

                            • Exactly, We make skyline chili a lot and the fresh grated black cheese on the fine grate MAKES the dish right. I think that convinced my husband. But I just stopped buying it about 2 years ago, now it's common place to just shredded cheese when we need it.

                              • Juliana Tyson

                                Crystal, I’m from AL and never heard of Skyline chili?!? What is that??

                                • Enid Matos

                                  For me, it's a Cincinnati Chili served over spaghetti noodles with cheese or over hot dogs with cheese.
                                  They sell it by the can online or they have copycat recipes....non exactly quite like the real thing but it will do.

                                • If it's what I think it's is, it's chili made in a restaurant in Cincinnati Oh. That's the restaurant name. They serve the chili over spaghetti.

                                • Sounds delish also doesn’t help that my youngest daughter is 5 months pregnant and any food sounds appetizing for her at this time.

                                • Have never bought fabric softener or dryer sheets! ( So didn’t really give it up )
                                  Now that “ Laundry Guy on HGTV ” says he’s never purchased those either! He also says we wash our clothes too often! If they smell smoky or musty, we should spritz w / little vodka-water! Between washes!!

                                • I have never used fabric softener. I do use dryer sheets. Thinking of switching to wool balls. We are senior citizens who don't launder too many times per month.

                                • We use wool dryer balls and love them because of the job they do.

                                • I'll give them a try after my brand new box of dryer sheets is empty. That will be in a couple years, I'd say.

                                  • Bill Mayne

                                    Wool balls cut down the time to dry and wrinkles. I find I need dry sheet to stop static cling on some items.

                                    • Bella Thorne

                                      I heard that you can put a ball of aluminum foil in the dryer as well for the same effect. Reuse the same aluminum ball over and over too.

                                      • Anita Joseph

                                        I don’t buy mouthwash, as I don’t see the point in it if you’re brushing and flossing well.
                                         I also don’t buy fabric softener nor dryer sheets, I have wool balls for the dryer.

                                        • Ally Brooke

                                          Paper napkins and plates, fabric softener, soda, reuse bottle from foaming hand cleaner and put 3tbs of regular hand soap and fill with water.

                                        • I found out on accident about the foam hand soap trick.

                                        • My husband and I make all seasonings.
                                          We don't use dryer sheets.
                                          We make laundry detergent from scratch.
                                          Perfume, i make my own.
                                          Facial cleaning, i use coconut oil.
                                          I use vinegar to clean with.
                                          I make my own spray scents with essential oils for the house.

                                          • Luis Alonso

                                            Starbucks, cable, cheap shoes that don't support my feet properly. Instead of 5 cheap pairs, I buy 1 good pair that last and doesn't cause pain.

                                            • William Smith

                                              I never have bought this either.
                                              I have some right now for the first time ever I think because it was given to me.
                                              I don’t even notice a difference.

                                              • Rita Wilson

                                                Chemical cleaning products that cost a lot put chemicals in my house and never break down in landfills.

                                              • I can’t say I’ve given these both up completely, but I typically buy one box of ziplocks a year and no more than 3 rolls of paper towels a year. What started as a goal to reduce waste has turned into something frugal too.

                                                • Angela Gray

                                                   I have some of those too and really like them.
                                                  I have a wooden doweled drying rack so I typically wash my ziplocks for reuse.
                                                  If I have meat or something gross it goes in a Pyrex or silicon one.

                                                  • Rebecca Elstrom

                                                    Way to go! Impressive, I'm gradually switching to silicone reusable zip locks! Love them!

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