Should I Become An Artist With Art Of Drawing Future Babies?

Should I Become An Artist With Art Of Drawing Future Babies?

I think is an incredible non paranormal group, those that have lots of weird and amazing stories about ghosts.
I found this drawing image recently, I did it at school when I was about 14 years old. I think now that I drew it thinking in my future son and I never realized it.
Drawing My Future Son At School  
I was a lovely time, that's why I kept it well safe. My cute boy.

Answers (27)

    • Corie Adkins

      Wonderful you certainly did. Maybe you could develop the art of drawing future babies to come. I have known a few good psychic artists.

      • Lynn L Smith

        That’s incredible. I absolutely Love it. He’s a gorgeous little boy too - makes one wonder doesn’t it? I think it’s fabulous
        God Bless 

      • In HS I was always doodling everywhere in the margins of my notes (and any other place where paper and pens existed). One doodle struck me as inconsistent with my usual so I saved it. It's the only doodle I've ever saved.
        I came across it frequently through the years and would just stare at it not knowing why. It was an excited, clownish little face in a swirl with hair following the flow. I hadn't seen it for some time when it fell out of a book. My children were in Middle and HS by then and I realized that it was the exact likeness of my daughter. The whole doodle seemed to be a representation of her being.
        So very sadly, she recently passed. I have no idea where the doodle is and I've been looking for it, but I know that when I need it, it will present itself. Seeing your sketch reminded me again that there are broader forces that connect us, or perhaps guide us, to what has been or what will be.
        Beautiful sketch and beautiful child.

      • Now you are a great artist! Sometimes our special gifts can be more than we can handle. Blessings.

      • I did this same thing with a parrot. I used to draw it with such detail way back in elementary school. Finally at 29 years old I ended up with a parrot, a blue and gold macaw which I named Big Daddy. Same parrot I used to draw in elementary school. Same colors. Same zebra-like stripes around his eyes and everything. 

      • I'd just turned 10 when at a school art lesson I drew two cliffs with a dead man at the bottom. The same week my Uncle was found dead at home on the floor aged just 47.

      • I dreamed my second daughter when I was 15, had her around 24/25.....but vividly saw her in a dream that stayed with me. I'm atheist but I am starting to believe in something....maybe souls. I sometimes feel like people's soul energy must be recycled. Things must exist on different planes of reality....maybe.

      • So beautiful.Many of us have seen our children and grandchildren long before they were born but this is wonderful physical proof. Such a gift.

        • Ronald Curtis

          My Grandma did an Oil Painting and it looked like her great grand daughter before she was born. She is a very good artist painting photos.

          • Lance Parker

            When my sister was in fifth grade, my Mother said she could buy one last doll. Instead of a frilly dressed doll, She chosen a doll that looked like a little boy with big blue eyes and brown hair. That boy  was going to be her first son, who I had at 26, looked exactly like the doll. The Universe knows a lot….

          • Wow that’s wonderful it is exactly that. I drew with 15 a picture of my future husband and me together. Never understood why I drew this man, especially because he wasn’t really “my type” after we married I remembered the picture and it was shocking accurate.

          • My friend told me about she had a dream in 2005 about her daughter that was born in 2018. She only realized it was her in that dream maybe 2 years ago. Even tho her daughter looks exactly like she did in her dream, at the time her dream came w a lot of emotions that she didn’t understand at the time and now she does. She’s amazing.

            • LaResha Clark

              In high school, I had drawn a picture of a man i saw in several dreams. Fast forward to several years ago, and it turns out I’d drawn my current husband. Didn’t even realize it until about two years or so after we got together. I wish I had kept the drawing. Crazy what the universe knows and shows us without us realizing it!

            • Wow, so amazing, I dreamt of my first son before he was born, he was 2 or 3 in my dream with blonde curly hair, he was on a swing set wear blue Jean coveralls, he was so beautiful, I woke up thinking, why did I have a dream about a little girl, I knew I was having a boy, I thought it odd that she was in blue coveralls, my son looked exactly like the child in my dream. ♥️

            • I was reading other questions from te otear groups and saw this post! Even the shading and lines around the eyes, nose and mouth are spot on... I almost couldn't believe it... SO accurate!

            • That’s amazing. Sometimes I see things and it come true at a later time. Very strange I think someone who passed let’s me see what May or could happen. It’s always a flash

              • Ann Stewart

                I did the same. Mine was an image of a little boy being bought by a red headed angel. I only realized it was my son in the image, months after he was born what I'd drawn. It's a beautiful thing.

                • Sarah Rogers

                  Awesome. We all have a little In-site, but rarely understand it. Big Blessings For You And Your Son.

                  • Maureen Black

                    Wow! Amazing. He was already part of your soul.
                    Beautiful!! Believer here.
                    Before my niece and nephew were born I knew their sex and who they would look after. I didn't paint them but it's like their image was given to me at some point, like a vision and I just knew.

                  • Absolutely incredible, you obviously have a couple of gifts. Great artwork and also a vision! Wow

                  • That's so remarkable & precious!! And both poses were almost identical!! Thanks for sharing this. He's a darling little boy. GOD bless you & your family.

                  • A sketch of a little boy and when he was 2 he looked just like him.
                    Wow you absolutely did that’s amazing great job well done that’s a miracle.

                    • Coraline Key

                      One time I painted a picture of a man that was just a random dude in my head but the paint kept drying making his eyes look closed . The next day my daughter, 4, said it was a beautiful picture of Jesus.
                      In all reality I painted it the exact time Jerry Garcia of Grateful Dead was dying from an overdose abuse. At that time, I was living in Novato California at the time and was 30 minutes from where the place was he died at. I showed my little girl a picture of Jerry Garcia and she said that's who I painted not Jesus.

                    • My grandma made three porcelain dolls years ago and that was before she had grand children and those dolls are exactly like the three girls too. Even the color of their eyes, and the hair color.

                      • Harmony Woods

                        Wow that’s absolutely amazing, you are so talented.
                        Years ago when I was a student in my school, I drew and colored / painted a picture of 2 little girls. Older with longer blond hair, younger one sitting in front of her had blondish brown hair. Severa yrs later I had a son 1st, then 2 girls later. oldest with long blond hair, youngest with brown hair exactly like I depicted the girls

                        • Annie Drake

                          Omg that is absolutely amazing!!! Looks exactly like him!!!
                          I truly believe many of us travel in the future Dad visited the future , he saw 911 and told us about a great catastrophe that was going to happen. We asked for more details and he said.... Jesus said not to ask questions. I frequently drew an was crying. I lost my only son , he had just turned 2y.

                          • Tabitha Scott

                            I did the same but my drawing was actually taken the last day of school went to go get all my art work that one was gone, but I can still see him kinda maybe a message for that's our relationship right now

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