Gino 's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Gino
      I We sold BookOfLikes, probable we'll buy TikTok right away and keep it in the US. That deal will keep 170 million Americans users happy all the way.
      • Gino
        Had a heartwarming e😜erience at a Miami Walgreens today. I asked the man checking me out if he was ready for Christmas. In a thick accent he assured me he was. Me: You have shopped and decorated? He: Oh, I didn't do it. My wife did. She made everything pretty. Are you ready? Me: I'm going to go visit family out of state that I haven't seen in a long time! He: Oh, they'll give you a large king's chair and gather around you with prayers! #humblebrag #humbled
        • Gino
          The greatest virtue a person can have is humbleness.
          • Gino
            A Penny-Pinching Food Tip!: Five-can poor person soup is the cornerstone of the menu when you are barely scraping by and it's really easy. You open your cupboards, grab the 1st 5 cans of anything you see and are always on hand like a container of vegetable or chicken broth and you throw it all together in the slow cooker with 5 cans of water and enough of your favorite seasonings to run off anyone who might be tempted to get into your pot, and cook it all unload overnight. You can eat off of this for several days!
            • Gino
              Wow. I just read that on this day 100 years ago, gas was, on the average, $.30 per gallon. That sounds really good, until you remember that a lot of people in rural areas were either out of work or very low income. Adjusted for inflation, that price is about $3.87 in today's money. Actually about the same as today. No particular reason to post thi-- wait. Yes, yes there is. To the people who have made a way of life out of griping about how things were so much better back in the good old days, the numbers say that c*** was always costly and people were always broke. Prices don't stop doing what they do just because you all say hold it. Stop griping and enjoy life as much as your income will allow.
              • Gino
                I just finished my first 5k in over 20 years. Makes me think of when my Grandfather and I would always go to the races together. He stayed active until the day he passed away... wish I would have done this with him again before he was gone. I'd like to think he is smiling down at me, with that grin of his, today.
                • Gino
                  I’ve lived in some of the largest cities in the world but my small town roots just came back to haunt me. I just bought Lynyrd Skynyrd concert tickets.
                  • Gino
                    Wishing for all of you and your families a very blessed Holiday season and a very safe and wonderful 2023!!
                    • Gino
                      I like being corrected when it's good news. I'm printing a retraction and joyfully saying I was wrong and fell victim to the Alan Jackson online hoax. Mr. Jackson is very much alive, but those of you who talk with the Lord might want to put in a good word because like so many of us, He is struggling with health issues, so much so that he has had to stop live touring. I can understand that. He is now over 60, and the life of a hard working country superstar can wear on someone, especially someone who is struggling with a neurological illness. As someone who struggles with neurological illness myself, I can tell you that it's tough on a person. Another singer I respect very much, Toby Keith, is struggling with cancer, and let's not forget Clay Walker, who has been fighting Multiple Sclerosis for a number of years. A lot of our country favorites are getting older, and the years are catching up with them just like they're catching up with us. Some of them just can't do it the way they used to. We just need to remember them.
                        • Loren Grays

                          I don't know why people put dumb crap like that online. Poor Betty White supposedly died how many times before she actually passed? Ridiculous. I wish I had that much time on my hands to make up stupid hoaxes

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                        • Gino
                          You can always tell where somebody’s morality lies by observing the little decisions they make. The smaller details always paint the bigger picture.
                          • Gino
                            Mom, I miss you more than people could ever understand! I lost not just my Mom but my biggest supporter, my confidant, my go to person that could fix any problem no matter how big or small, the greatest woman I have ever met, the person that I trusted the most. I could go on for days about what I lost that day in 2005 and not a single day goes by that I don’t miss you and feel that hole in my heart the second I got the call!! Hopefully I can continue making you proud until we meet again for Eternity with our Almighty Lord!! I LOVE YOU FOREVER, MOM!!!
                            • Gino
                              I highly recommend the 5 by 5 rule of thumb: If it's not going to matter in 5 years then don't spend more than 5 minutes being upset by it or worried about it!
                              • Gino
                                I know one thing, when it comes to seasoning food to perfection Indian Cuisine DEFINITELY understood the assignment.
                                • Gino
                                  I just read that CHER will be singing "Thank You For Being A Friend " at the opening of the upcoming Betty White tribute being filmed for NBC. Talk about Nirvana!! Smells like Summers Eve and I can't wait!!
                                  • Gino
                                    Douglas County health department clarifies Omaha mask mandate. Health director issues mask mandate for Omaha; governor calls for 'legal action". Omaha City Council members divided over mask mandate. What is next in the United States?

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