Amy Canul's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Amy Canul
      Should have known better when I asked my teenager daughter if she wanted to go inside Target real quick for laundry detergent...45 min later and I'm yet to see laundry detergent OR her....
      • Amy Canul
        So I applied for a job today that I really wanted to do long story short I did not get the job but this has motivated me to try and get what I need to get the job so I did some checking and here in a bit I will be doing a 2 hr test thin will find out where to take the big test to so let's hope I can do this fingers crossed.
        • Amy Canul
          The cold has brought pain today. We didn’t get the predicted ice - yet anyway. It’s cold though and my achey breakey joints are unhappy. So glad I've got nowhere to be. I think a hot cup of soup is in order. Be cautious everybody. I understand the ground is slicker than owl sh#t deep dipped in lard.
          • Amy Canul
            I wonder if there are some older version New and used Video games for sale that i can order online and save money instead of using the shopping stores like Amazon or Ebay. All I care is how much and when i can get them for an event I am planning.
            • Amy Canul
              I’m feeling absolutely overwhelmed and defeated. I’m tired. My house is a mess. I don’t get any sleep. Literally everything is on my shoulders. I can’t keep pouring from an empty cup. I just don’t have anything left to give right now. I’ll be MIA for a day or two.
              • Amy Canul
                I quit smoking 2 weeks ago with stop smoking support, I have the gum and the patches to help, but I feel like I’m really struggling with the change especially with my routine and it’s creating all this anxiety everyday. Ive had anxiety all my life but I’ve had it controlled for almost 3 years now. I feel like I’m anxious about everything and then being anxious about being anxious
                  • Corie Adkins

                    I did the 'Cold Turkey' thing nearly a decade ago. I took my Power and decided I was going to do it. Believe me, you are stronger than you think. Just say, you won't, won't, won't WON'T replace with anything - that's if you can. You need 'WON'T POWER'!!! Behind the scenes I'd be more than willing to support you.

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