Amy Linton's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Amy Linton
      My house always seems to be overflowing with junk that I never or hardly use but always seems to be desperately short on items I need right at the moment!
      • Amy Linton
        So, I passed all of my mid-term exams. But it doesn't mean too much atm because our kitty Larry has become severely ill. It feels like one thing after the other. I have never hoped for anything so much in my life that he just gets better. Luckily we have family friends here to help and support us ❤ thanks to everybody rooting for my family.
        • Amy Linton
          My friends are sending me pictures of their Halloween cats on Snapchat and I'm getting really sad because my phone is stupid and won't save any of them. Whyyy man? I got one of a kitten in a baby Yoda costume and want to share it goshhh!!
          • Amy Linton
            A lot of your pain is caused by attachment. Learn to genuinely love people without possessive attachment. Learn to enjoy material things on this earth without greed and attachment. Mastering this will spare you so much pain in your life.

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