Angie Sue Marion's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Angie Sue Marion
      I was driving for work yesterday and came across a road construction detour. It had me turning down curvy unfamiliar roads. At one point a turkey popped out of the woods and was running across the road in front of me, then it looked like he panicked and suddenly flew towards me. I slammed on my brakes so hard that everything in the back seat went sliding into the floor. I realize that was a total overreaction, I feel like I’m e😜eriencing some PVSD (post vulture stress disorder). I don’t know if I’ll ever trust birds again.
      • Angie Sue Marion
        I absolutely love the courtoom scene in "Sommersby" where Laurel says she she knew Jack wasn't her husband because "later on, he and I were together in a private way, and I knew it wasn't my husband. A woman would know her own husband." I've always wondered if she meant that Jack was "more" or "less" impressive in a private way than her husband had been.
        • Angie Sue Marion
          Never believe a guy who say he "I love you" in the first month.. not even after a few months of dating, I now believe. Don't get married too young or too fast. If it's meant to be they will still be there next year. When a guy ask to cuddle, they just want one thing. While I love cuddling, even my kitties... I don't need to cuddle with some stranger who says he loves me
          • Angie Sue Marion
            I am going to attempt to start writing my book today, it is the first in a three part trilogy set in Ancient Ireland, and stems from the myth of Cúchulainn and the Morrigan, the Irish Goddess of War. I have really been neglecting my writing, and since we agreed I will not go back to work until nest Spring, I feel like this is the perfect time to start pursuing one of my passionate dreams. I hope I can do this awesome myth justice, and write something for young adults that will touch them in some way.
            • Angie Sue Marion
              So sad, my best pet cat lover customer is having a difficult episode with her two cats (they are females), It happen that those are evry old age kitty cats, they went blind and now they need special care (taking them out the yard for sunshine everyday and to do their needs). Blind all the way to the point that these little animals want to lay and sleep at the bed with their owners, and if the owner puts them to sleep somewhere else, they cry. Now, that is just a part of the problem, because the pet owners are telling me that, there is a big chow chow mix dog outside from their neighbors rand he runs free all over the place, which means that dog can kill the cat females (this represents a big thread to those two pets). Poor kitties, I heard that that eye site loss is caused from the high blood pressure.
              • Angie Sue Marion
                I have just cried and cried the last couple of days from heartbreak after those horrible individuals broke into our U.S. Capitol building and scared all of the congressmen and women, killed a woman, and hurt many others including Capitol guards. It is just out of this world heartbreaking and scary!
                • Angie Sue Marion
                  Why can't people understand that no one wants to have to wear a mask but we do it to protect those around us who may be vulnerable?! My Granddaddy one of these, with serious health issues. Wearing a mask not a 100% protection but it is one of the best methods for slowing the spread of this disease. It is just common respect and decency to wear one. The CDC said that if everybody was compliant in wearing a mask then this thing would have been under control in six weeks. We as a people are selfish and unwilling to sacrifice short term for long term benefits, and my Granddaddy died because of those types of people!
                  • Angie Sue Marion
                    If you want to see, close your eyes. If you want to have, open your hands. If you want to know, just feel. If you want to learn, practice.
                    • Angie Sue Marion
                      Last night at work, a little girl was shopping with her dad in our grocery section. She asked her dad why Sparkling Water was called such because there were no actual sparkles in it. Her dad didn't know what to say but I informed them both it was a very good question. Why is it called that?? There aren't any sparkles or glitter in it. I would rather just call it fizzy bubble water.. But I guess that's not as appealing. Her father laughed at my response, but I genuinely love when children question things. That's how you learn in life, you seek knowledge.
                      • Angie Sue Marion
                        I'm back again and i want to check at you guys, how everybody is doing now after six months of worry about Covid19 ?
                        • Angie Sue Marion
                          I just made my first BLT sandwich of the summer for lunch today with the Land the T from my fresh lettuce and potted tomatoes out back, and freshly sliced bacon from the our local Farmer's Meat market! NOM NOM NOM, it was phenomenal!

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