Jared Leto's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Jared Leto
      James Cameron. You're an ace historian and there's no topping you as a filmmaker. But what's with this 25th anniversary of "Titanic" so soon after the original release date in December 2022? And what's so special about this version when I already have several DVD and Blu Ray versions? And I don't have a 3D television, so don't even start. I just think Cameron is trying to pad his pocketbook again. Now if there is some big huge difference in the picture or sound quality I might buy the new release that comes out in stores if it does. But I'm not going to the movies to see it.
        • Susan Roughley

          You must see this in IMAX 3D if you haven't before. It is like seeing it again for the first time. Trust me. I saw it once in IMAX in 2012, then Dolby's IMAX equivalent in Kansas City in 2017 (yes I drove to the other side of the state to see it) and plan to see it this time. I won't bother to see it in any other format.

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