LaResha Clark's Statuses & Comments posts

    • LaResha Clark
      Everyone has their own opinions on what defines addictions, but until you have been there, your opinion means nothing. You don not control it, but it controls you. There are some who have beat it, but do not think because they are still here, that life is easy. They fight every single day, a constant battle from the time they open their eyes until they close them. It never goes away and most are good people who had made a bad choice. The constant battling of it a beast requires praying, so pray for them.
      • LaResha Clark
        So I found out a guy dressed as Batman actually turned in a gang of burglary suspects to our local police station last night! His name is unknown and he took off into the night. He is still unknown today, nobody has any clue who he really was. Oh my goodness, The Batman Super Hero in real life. I honestly would love to see normal people running around in superhero costumes and saving the day, that would always make my day to hear this news.
        • LaResha Clark
          I’m really satisfied with the amount of self reflection and awareness I went through this morning. For the past month or so I have been doing really well with being present and flowing with life with my romantic partner and everything going on in my life. Yesterday I slowly krept out of that and began to dive head first into anxiety and attachment and control with this being my last day here in Virginia before I move.My sleep last night was horrible with me tossing and turning and I woke up still feeling very tense. Last night I said a lot of things that I now recognize was rooted in attachment and fear and it began to show up in my body. Tight chest, restless, inability to sleep. I really had to take a moment to stop and recognize where a lot of my feelings were coming from and how my thought process was hurting me and not ok. From the outside looking in most wouldn’t find an issue with what I said but I know that’s not how life works. We hurt ourselves moving through life attached to everything we come across and how we want it to be. But I say all of this just to say how proud of myself I am for recognizing and correcting that and bringing peace back into my mind and body by releasing the e😜ectation of it all.
            • Marie Crawford

              Attachment issues are hard. I’ve detached so much it is now difficult to attach. I’m like “wait, this looks like pain, I don’t want it” but I’ve finally started letting people in and I’m also proud of that. Trust is so big! I’m so proud of you for the growth

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