Mary E. Mitford's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Mary E. Mitford
      Eight years ago, I had one thing on my mind. . .seeing and reading "Love Letters" for the Gagillionth time! My all time favorite American stage and film romance by AR Gurney. I never tire of this play and film. In fact, I may give Cancer the finger, pour myself a little bubbly, and enjoy the romantic adventures of Melissa Gardiner and Andrew Makpiece Ladd III once again.
      • Mary E. Mitford
        I don’t like it when people try to speak for everybody if there aren’t different dynamics of a relationship that work for different people and their specific situations.
        • Mary E. Mitford
          As some of you young people are dreading going to grandma's house because you want to be with your friends, let me tell you this and believe it or not. There will come a day when you would give anything to be sitting at that table eating and listening to all the corny stories she is telling. You want to run with those friends instead of sitting with the best friend you will ever have , the one who will always have your back. One day you won’t have that table to sit at and you will certainly miss it. So if you still have that family, suck it up and do it because as you get older, that will be the most treasured days of your life!
          • Mary E. Mitford
            I made a promise to myself that I’m no longer filtering myself for the comfort of other people because it’s no longer honoring me moving in my truth and authenticity. I announced the other day I’m working on a project to be released next month. But there has been a shift in what it’s based on. I previously had some fear in moving in the direction of full truth because of push back, rejection and rubbing some people the wrong way. I was making an effort to some how keep everyone happy while half way walking my truth. Like yeah it was still my truth but not the FULL truth. Watered down truth. Just enough truth for you to still be comfortable in. But I have received enough messages from spirit clear as day to be loud about it and STOP whispering. Over and over and over. Stop…whispering. This is spiritual warfare….we don’t have time for a darn quiet whisper any more.
            • Mary E. Mitford
              Hello there, hi I'm a family woman and now on i will be part of your team inside Book Of likes in America. I e😜ect some good reading in your posts, Thank you for the opportunity.

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