Nadia Boyer's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Nadia Boyer
      This is probably an odd post for me and something I never thought I would have to say but it's been kind of bugging me for a few days so I'm just going to put it out there. I've seen a lot of American people criticizing the queen after her death and I find that puzzling. I never really saw any Americans criticize her while she was alive and of the people I have seen criticize her, and there are few, I do not believe that one of them would hold a job for 70 plus years that consisted of them completely living a public life and sacrificing said life for that country and trying to make decisions for an entire country based on a position they were born into. I'm sure it was a stressful life but she seemed to temper it with Grace and I don't think it's anyone's place to criticize her after more than 70 years of service after she passed away at the age of 96. That's just my opinion.
      • Nadia Boyer
        There comes a time in your life when you just have to accept what you have and have not. I have reached that time. My life now is a lot better than it has ever been before. I have a decent job. I live in a very nice million dollar home, which of course, is not mine. I will have a new kitten in May. Other than being way overweight, I am pretty healthy. I don't have too many friends other than my four legged friends. My brothers no longer contact me, but I do have a cousin I talk to often. I have traveled to Australia, Europe, South America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. I spent a year as a missionary, taught English online to Chinese children, and even though my childhood years were hell, my future is looking good. #lovinglife
        • Nadia Boyer
          If spirit does anything the one thing they are gonna do is cuss my ass out. Good lawd !! But the accountability is I wouldn’t have to get cussed out all of the time if I would just stop doing BS

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