Nico Scognamiglio's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Nico Scognamiglio
      I have to grocery shop today. That means I must confront the public. I would rather be dragged face down and nude down twenty miles of gravel road in the hot West Texas sun.
      • Nico Scognamiglio
        I miss her already but it's been such a wonderful week! I spent time with her, visited family and friends, took naps, took walks together at the park, ate delicious meals at various restaurants. We even checked out some new places around the area, and I can't wait to see her again. Whenever that will be..hopefully very soon!
        • Nico Scognamiglio
          Here’s the thing , You have people out here that try to gate keep this whole spirituality thing. If you do this that and the other you aren’t spiritual. “Am I still spiritual if I do xyz” But the thing is As long as you are alive and walking this earth you are a spiritual being regardless if one recognizes this or not. The label of being “spiritual” is something we as humans created. There is nothing anyone can do to make someone not a “spiritual” person. Not even die. Because your energy is still carrying on. The thing is that every individual is at their own level on their own journey through life whether that be at the bottom or the top. Innately you are spiritual because of the fact that you exist with a spirit inside of you. It doesn’t even matter what face or names you decide to give this source energy that we call God. What matters is the quality of life you are living and continuing to ascend through that.

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