Sara Tankard's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Sara Tankard
      A Single Sunbeam Is Enough To Drive Away Many Shadows. When you are broken, God is the only one who can put the pieces back together properly! Remember all of us have cracks in our lives, but God's light shines brighter through our cracks!
      • Sara Tankard
        So, I still have most of those old records for sale, feel make an offer and let me know your address and I will send them in Priority mail. Let's do this thang.
        • Sara Tankard
          The more you seek approval the more you lose yo own authenticity. Everybody don't have to agree with you. You agree with you.
          • Sara Tankard
            I really haven't said much about this but here goes! I worked at Washington Eye Care Center for about 3 years and absolutely loved my job and the people that I worked with all felt like a family! Well one day I showed up for work and when I clocked out for lunch, my boss told me that was my last day! Umm ok...what did I do wrong? Absolutely NOTHING!!! I was pretty sad for about a week. But now...i just want to say THANK YOU so much to my old boss!! I'm so enjoying my PAID Summer Vaca!! Oh yeah...and I'm making $300 more every week than I did while I was working! I've worked my whole life for everything I've had so I'm going to enjoy my break! Now my BiPolar boss can dish her hatefulness on someone else and MICRO MANAGE whoever sits up there now! That's the only thing I didn't like about my job!! But that's what happens when you put a photographer in charge of a medical office! So let the S@#% show continue without me

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