Shanann Watts Aldean's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Shanann Watts Aldean
      When you all are arguing and he makes sense then what do you do next? Well, I make a joke. I start being sarcastic and mock him and start laughing and then it’s always “something wrong with you” ok and??
      • Shanann Watts Aldean
        Life is short, so tell somebody important you love them today. Sending love to you from me. Also if I don't post as much, it's because I started driving for Doordash on weekends again! (So I am busy most of the day and even nights). Enjoy your weekend!
        • Shanann Watts Aldean
          To my super smart therapist friends with fancy degrees hanging on their walls. I'm already very self aware, but there are times when writing a sad poem in my journal won't cut it. There are times when the feelings inside of me inspire one of these two urges: 1) To slap someone across the face until their teeth rattle and end up somewhere in 2025. and/or 2) Smash every piece of glassware in my house. But dont worry about me, because me being self aware means being grown up to know that I must refrain, because the first one is a felony, and the second would end with end with me getting glass under my skin while on my knees with a dust pan and broom attempting to clean up. But I still have these feelings, so what is there to do? I'm going to pray, put on a sad Tammy Wynette record, and cry it out while down on my face. Sometimes you just have to let it out. Don't worry. I'm not crazy, but I do have these feelings occasionally. And that's why no one ever gets hurt, because I let them out, in private, as to not make a scene.
          • Shanann Watts Aldean
            It’s Christmas Eve-Eve and I don’t think I’ve ever felt less Christmas-sy in my life! Here’s to doing all the things today! Finishing shopping, Christmas lights, cookie baking and (hopefully) decorating!
            • Shanann Watts Aldean
              Talking about dresses and fine clothing for women and men custom made, I stopped making my designs later because now I'm up to a large vacations after spending more than a yer inside my home because of the Covid19 stuff. I e😜ect to return in a half a year with the batteries fully charged to business again. I'm going to visit the jungle and the beach in Costa Rica as an adventure!.
              • Shanann Watts Aldean
                Spending my Sunday binge-watching reality Cheer shows and Dance Moms while munching on snacks! I should probably go get started on dinner now though, making chicken and gravy with cheesy garlic mashed potatoes!
                • Shanann Watts Aldean
                  Approximately one-half of Americans have been slipped a Mickey, and are in a delusion of prosperity because they put there full trust only in one man! The ONLY WALL built was around their hearts and minds. WAKE UP TO REALITY PLEASE!!!
                  • Shanann Watts Aldean
                    What has happened to authenticity? I despise phony and fake people. I read certain stats and literally shake my head. I don't claim to be a saint because I'm most definitely not. And I really wish some of you wouldn't either. It's okay to struggle. It's okay to be flawed. It's okay to be yourself. Too bad you are so busy fronting for social media attention that you probably don't even know who you really are!
                    • Shanann Watts Aldean
                      I'm sitting in the parking lot at Big Lots. It has been so long since I've been here I've lost track, but I wasn't sure they'd let me in. I went in and shopped like a normal person. The store looks nice since all the renovations and felt like I was shopping in another town. I smiled at as many people as I could. At one point I was coming out of an aisle as a woman came rushing by. We did the "Oopsie!" thing and smiled at each other, and i told her how nice it was to see her smile! As I was just walking back to the car, I nearly burst into tears. It just hit me so hard that I can tell you how many smiles I just saw today. One.

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