Susan Stolley's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Susan Stolley
      Me last night: Babe, please put Last Night song by Morgan Wallen on the speaker it’s stuck in my head. Chris: Okay but I’m not saving it because it’s stupid. Chris this morning: *starts cleaning the garage* turns on this song I asked for the other day *comes smirking around the corner* Me: UHHH HUHUHHH so you dooooo like it don’t you?!?! 😜
      • Susan Stolley
        My definition of the perfect life on Planet Earth is Peanut Butter Fluff ice cream every day. 😜 I also had so much fun at the NSFW cosplay! Don't forget to check out our videos!!
        • Susan Stolley
          Was making Million Dollar Baked Spaghetti for lunch earlier and stepped outside to smoke a ( Becca and Tanley fallowed) and Megan locked the back and front door and was standing on a case of Mountain Dew eating the meat and sauce, And was laughing after every bite she took while I was banging on the door telling her to unlock it. I have a not so happy 3 year old right now.
          • Susan Stolley
            No matter how bad things are in your life right now, always remember, they could be worse. Things could always be worse. Today, I've been in a mood. Trying to find a house with the market like it is right now is horrible. Jay's 700 miles away, trying to get use to a new Dr that wants to change my meds, living in a camper until we find said house and it's getting colder out, not feeling great, stressing about so many things. As I'm scrolling through facebook, I came across a post about a 5 year old that's battling cancer and things aren't looking good. Y'all, I just started bawling. How can I be so blind. Sure, we're struggling with finding a house but, we have shelter. I may not be feeling the greatest but, I'm alive. Med changes, been there done that and it'll be ok. Jay may be 700 miles away but we talk daily, several times a day and see each other as often as possible. I'm usually always, the glass half full person but today I wasn't, until God put the story in front of me to say Hey....your kids are healthy, your alive and things are gonna work out but you gotta learn patience. (which for me isn't something I'm good at) I've got you, trust and remember to have faith. So, Thank you God for keeping a watch over us and protecting us through so much! Y'all, before you throw the negative out there, remember there is always a positive. You just have to really look for it.

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