
    • Beth Graham
      I have just spent the last half hour trying to get the answer to a simple question from Alexa. I was watching Dirty Dancing and the part came up where they're playing the song in the still of the night. Well I couldn't remember who wrote this. So I asked Alexa because I figured she would probably know. For almost 30 minutes she has been leading me down the rabbit hole on a wild goose chase giving me the names of all these different people, none of whom were correct. But upon looking them up I realized they all had one thing in common. They were all famous horse jockeys. Until then, I do a cross reference and it turns out there was a racehorse by the name of in the still of the night. It turns out Alexa thought I was asking who rode In the still of the night. In order to get the answer about the song I had to ask her who composed in the still of the night. This is too complicated, I would rather go back to using the card catalog.

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