
    • Shanann Watts Aldean
      To my super smart therapist friends with fancy degrees hanging on their walls. I'm already very self aware, but there are times when writing a sad poem in my journal won't cut it. There are times when the feelings inside of me inspire one of these two urges: 1) To slap someone across the face until their teeth rattle and end up somewhere in 2025. and/or 2) Smash every piece of glassware in my house. But dont worry about me, because me being self aware means being grown up to know that I must refrain, because the first one is a felony, and the second would end with end with me getting glass under my skin while on my knees with a dust pan and broom attempting to clean up. But I still have these feelings, so what is there to do? I'm going to pray, put on a sad Tammy Wynette record, and cry it out while down on my face. Sometimes you just have to let it out. Don't worry. I'm not crazy, but I do have these feelings occasionally. And that's why no one ever gets hurt, because I let them out, in private, as to not make a scene.

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