
    • Erica Campbells
      Wanna hear about our last couple weeks? Do ya do ya? Totaled my car + camper. Hubby's hours got cut tremendously at work. Ordered food for dinner they charged my card 4 times. Our vehicle just shut down on the freewOut doing lawn care and my mower won’t stay started. Just know I’m laughing to keep from crying. There is no way my own will power and strength is holding me up right now. I absolutely want to fall to pieces but I am still standing. I literally do not know what we did to deserve all this. I’m so tired. So tired. What. Freaking. ELSE. If my attitude seems to suck right now it’s because LIFE SUCKS right now.
        •  Trixie Mattel

          I'm so sorry to hear about all the bad luck lately. You are a strong beautiful woman that's has gone through hell. You will prevail and be even stronger. Continue doing your best, and give it all to God. I promise you that it'll all work out. Take a deep breath maybe scream let it out and keep going. Much love your way.

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          • Yossi Gavri

            I’m so sorry for all the bad luck. It’s alright to lose it sometimes. It might make you feel better. It’s not a sign of weakness to let it go. This too shall pass. I know just how hard you guys have worked for everything you have. You will rebuild again. So sorry you're going through all this. At least you and your family are alive and healthy. Things can always be worse!

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