
    • Sheila Chambers
      We arrived to Granny's house after driving all day, so happy to be here! On the way, right after reaching the welcome to Montana sign, we saw the strangest thing. I thought this semi was making an illegal u-turn into the other side of traffic. He drove over the median, into ongoing traffic and his front and and trailer both fell over the side of the road right in front of our eyes. It was terrifying. I almost started crying because I don't know if the individual made it out of there. We called 911 and they dispatched someone with an ambulance as soon as we let them know. We saw the cop car on the way back. Please stay safe out there, and absolutely stay home if you don't have to travel this Thanksgiving. Professional truck drivers are probably under SO much stress right now I can't even imagine. But it was just scary to see!

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