
    • Elizabeth Banks
      I feel like a true role model is someone who lives up to their own core values. My mom is my role model because she is my motivation for patience, courage, empathy, and authenticity. During the period when my grandma was diagnosed with terminal cancer, my mom had no family besides her dying mom, kid brother, and me. I was greatly influenced by seeing Mom juggling feelings, maintaining positivity, and keeping composure, all while solely caring for her mom and brother while full-time working and single parenting. This e😜erience provided me with a valuable learning e😜erience of patience and courage during life's dips and hurdles. Another inspiring time with my mom was in a laundromat parking lot. A bloody and bruised woman had crawled out of a truck. Mom immediately helped her. The woman was terrified of her boyfriend inside, so we took her elsewhere. My mom is always this way, and her empathy towards others will always motivate me to be likewise. Lastly, but certainly not the least, my mom is as authentic as authenticity can get. She refuses to be defined by any social status or title. She lives with her soul while always staying true to herself. Mom shows me that true authenticity reveals itself in 'being' instead of 'proving' one's self. I have no idea where I would be today without my mom. Her influence is of upmost importance to me because she is the builder of my life's core.

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