
    • Coleman Evanston
      First, I want to thank all of you for your prayers, good vibes, and well wishes as I visited my colo-rectal surgeon, Dr. Steven Hunt today. I wanted to give you an update on what I know at this time. Unfortunately, I did not receive the good news I was hoping for today. The tumor growing in my colo-rectal area is much larger than I have previously known or been told. It is so large at this point that it has involved almost all of the colo-rectal region. My bladder is smashed almost completely flat and the tumor is creating enormous pressure on my bowel and rectal wall, which is why I've been suffering so much pain and having trouble going to the bathroom. Due to inconclusive biopsies, another biopsy will have to be taken to determine if the tumor is malignant. Unfortunately, whether the tumor is benign or malignant, the doctors have no way of removing it without removing much of the colo-rectal area, including the rectum. That will probably mean a series of surgeries that will include both the removal of the recturm, and reconstructive surgery so that I can continue with normal life. The next step is the final MRI before surgery, next Tuesday. Then surgery will be scheduled. The surgery and removal is non-negotiable if this pain is going to stop. It is going to be a big and painful surgery, but I have faced them before. That is all I know for now, and all I feel like talking about for tonight. I appreciate everyone's love and prayers, but this is very frightening to me, and I need time to wrap my mind around it. I thank all of you for your love.

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