Statuses & Comments post by Bonnie Lanham Griffin

I'm slowly starting to get back to tha old me, tha happy me! I'm starting to feel better about myself, inside and out. It's gonna take a while I know, but I'm fighter, and I'm not stopping till I reach where it is I wanna be. I haven't posted a selfy in years until yesterday because I've been embarrassed about how I look, but life's too short for all that. If you like me great, if not keep it moving. I've been a people pleaser all my life, and we'll frankly, I ran myself into tha ground. That chapter is over, and now I'm on to tha next one. I just wanna be happy with me!!!
    • Louisa Johnson

      Good to see your beautiful face again, you're always beautiful inside and out, I’ve missed you alot. So glad that things are getting better for you, you’ve always been special to me. We are all broken people, good for you for overcoming being a people pleaser, I have struggled with that my whole life.

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