Statuses & Comments post by Angela Furrh

I walked away from a conversation because the lady asked me to make eye contact with her. I’m over this ridiculous e😜ectation that I make eye contact during conversations and the stupid assumption that I’m not paying attention just because my eyes aren’t locked into the eyes of the person I’m having a conversation with.
    • American Scott

      I glance at people's foreheads and then look to the side, most of the time that gets me by even in work environments. But yeah, I wish it was normalized that I could look at the wall or a houseplant. Realizing that the reason I love people with pets is that no matter what, they are okay with me looking or petting the animal while conversing.

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      • Hannah Baker

        Why would she even do that though. I cannot comprehend an adult demanding eye contact from another adult to have a conversation. Im sorry this happened and Im fucking furious on your behalf!

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