Statuses & Comments post by Katherine Howard

Do you understand how important it is for a free spirited strong minded woman to have a man that allows the space for you to do and be everything that you are to it’s fullest extent? Who has no desire to control any aspect of your life and loves to watch you blossom. This is IMPORTANT. Not every man can handle a free spirited woman.
    • Joel Louis

      What’s makes this post so amazing to my spirit is that I have a free spirited, mind strong, intelligent Aquarius woman...that’s the key to a woman that is that!..Let her be free...loyalty for that man and the trust towards that man is limitless if she has that! I respect this post because I’m that man and she is that’s an amazing connection...very happy for you, because the men are rare that is that! when it comes to letting a woman be just that as she is Free with her being.

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