Statuses & Comments post by Grace E Garfunkel

I had a fight with a friend, she typed dreadful things. I can’t just forget she thinks that way about me. My parents would like me to pretend it didn’t happen. She has been a good friend and I love her. I keep going over the things she typed in my head.
    • Aurora E Seferi

      If you still want to be friends, then tell her that her words were very hurtful. If there is a ring of truth in anything she has said may be you need to apologize and perhaps explain to her and have a proper discussion if your condition limits your understanding. If she is toxic and you don't want to be friends with her cut her out of your life.

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      • Kyrie Eleison

        Yessss sometimes friendship can get ugly! We all have moments. I myself have said some terrible things in meltdowns to people I love. Hope you and you friend can work through this! She was angry. Give it a while, then see if she wants to talk. It's no use going over these things when you both still feel anger.

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