240 Restaurants Wendy's Restaurants From Underperforming Areas Got Replaced For Performing Restaurants

240 Restaurants Wendy's Restaurants From Underperforming Areas Got Replaced For Performing Restaurants

Wendy's is forced to close an amount of 240 restaurants inclusive the last Spring announced 140 in the United States, and meantime the company opened the same amount of restaurant locations where the Company's Seo said those restaurants will produce higher profits than the prior closed restaurant's locations. The reason that amount of restaurants got closed is because their equipment was moved to the new productive locations and avoided losses for under-performing restaurants business. The  Wendy's will be closing restaurants, a totally of 140 additional restaurants this year 3035 on top of the 100 closures that the company previously announced in the last Spring. This announcement happened during a conference call with investors on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024, CEO Kirk Tanner revealed that the locations were “outdated and located in under-performing” areas and were performing “well below the system average" and it was not a positive business financially for the company.

But, according to the company, these closures should just about equal the number of new restaurants Wendy's expects to have opened in 2024.