It's My Life Story

Here is the latest on me for those who are keeping up. My appointment originally scheduled for December 30th was canceled by telephone today. The administrative assistant informed me that the team of physicians at Washington University wants me to see a colo rectal surgeon, Dr. Steven Hunt. The words that she gave me were that the tumor has involved more areas and organs than was originally thought, so my case will require a surgeon with more specialized experience in the colo rectal region. No pun intended, this is a major pain in the ass. I'm trying not to panic, but the idea that "the tumor has involved more areas and organs than was originally thought" has me worried; worried about the concept that it could have spread. I'm not a doctor and I know very little about cancer, and this not making for a happy way to spend my holidays. So, although I'm sure y'all are tired of me asking, for anyone who prays, meditates, sends good vibes and juju, please keep me in mind. Most of all, please pray for my peace and the peace of my family during this time. Thank you so much.

UPDATE: I thank all of you who are continuing to pray for me and ask after my health as I continue to wait for an appointment at Washington University Medical Center. I finally got a reschedule call this morning from the office of the new colo rectal surgeon my case has been assigned to. Dr. Steven Hunt will be be taking my case, and I will be seeing him on Tuesday, December 28th at 2 p.m. at Washington University's South County location near St. Louis. I guess God does work everything for the good one way for another, because this appointment is actually two days earlier than my original appointment with Dr. Hawkins, which was scheduled for December 30th. So, since today is the 22nd, that means I only have to deal with this pain for six more days. Again, I appreciate everyone's love, care, prayers, good vibes, and support on this journey, and we'll see how it goes.

    • Alison Rutty

      Your life is very interesting, I will be praying for your pronto recovery.

      • Tomika Langley

        I could be one of those "anyone who prays, meditates, sends good vibes and Juju" I spend lots of time living alone and with the smartphone off because to me, quietness is priceless.

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