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Christmas Pictures Trees Gifts Lights

My best guest is that when we look forward in a positive way, things tend to fall in the right place for our best and our world too. Lets conduce tends to be very optimistic people and we will get the earth grace.

Well, lets start by talking about sweet Christmas time, the season when everybody is about giving and receiving stuff under the Christmas tree (at the living room), good food, expensive clothing, nice flat TV as a gift, gold and diamond jewelry to give away for lovers, trips, vacations, couples having their weddings, young and old people birthdays celebrations, looking forward for  a happy New Year too and more.
And then, I have a question, which is the best type of tree to choose and place it on the living room?

Yes, there are many kinds, some real from the forest, a just cut tree to carry it to people's homes, and those we buy out of Ebay, Etsy, or at one dollars stores, stuff made in China, you know what I mean, "trees that are kind of fake Christmas trees).

Again, lets see a few of these options and lets decide what we want for this year celebration of Christmas.

Green Christmas Tree

Lets go to find the best Green Christmas trees.


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    • Gino

      Good point about how to choose the best Christmas tree and decorations this year. I never notice it before, it is very dangerous because many homes get burned because of those plastic things, made who knows where, I guess.  Indeed there are signs for those who reflect their own opinions and they might go ahead and keep their traditions customs by placing orders online, or they just go their near me stores at the downtown corner store like Walmart USA or like you just said "the $1.00 One Dollar or more store" and they buy it there. You know, people never listen, they want to do their own and rather to learn the hard way, they are happy at the end.