Star Crunch Ice Cream

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Star Crunch Ice Cream

Star Crunch Snack Ice Cream Little Debbie is not only super yummy but is bringing back much family members nostalgia in my life today! Star crunch snake cakes was the only kind my mema would put in papa's lunch years ago. I remember being little and papa wouldn't eat his snack cake and let me have it when he got home. Truth be told grandma put two in there. I remember thinking I was something special because papa saved his snake cake for me. Sometimes he would tell me not to let my grandma know ( it was our little secret). To this day this is the only snake cake I will eat. I don't eat ice cream but when I seen this I had to have it. I could hear papa laughing. As adults we look at stuff  differently. Just remember sometimes it's the little things that mean alot to the children and it could be something as simple as a ice cream that makes them smile as an adult. My papa passed away in 2006 and it crushed me. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him terribly.


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