Black Holes Eating Stars And Planets

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Black Holes Eating Stars And Planets

Nasa is the source of this amazing image. We can observe how devoured stars left behind light and dust when it was sucked inside the black hole.
A Blackhole is a crashing space mechanism that grinds to nothing left over anything in it's surroundings as it moves. An unknown thing with the size of a galaxy in some cases and with more power than fire, speed of light and it makes the different between life and death on the space.

With this picture Nasa proves the existence of a powerful force made with the only intention of recycling elements out there in the open space. The original words of the guys at Nasa are "A Black Hole Gobbles Up a Star" and they are not loss with that point of view, but they missed that the Black Holes have a diameter of 100 degrees around and therefore they eat stars and planets from all angles while spinning like a disk with a hole in the middle, so those are many.
The original website of Nasa is at this address BLACK HOLES IMAGES

    • Gino

      By the way, this image is great for a computer and smartphone background as t contains an amazing combination in between black, blue, yellow, white and red of colors that brings a sense of reality. A number 9 nine or six 6 depending how you see it and it is good dark for your eyes.

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