You My Love Fits All My Expectations In My Life

  • 14 of 16
You My Love Fits All My Expectations In My Life

Really, I mean it, You are my only love that fits all my expectations in my life.
And a have to accept this reality because without you my life will have no sense anymore.
Meeting you was fate, and then after a was your best friend,  but when you and me fall in love my entire life became uncontrollable.
This is a matter where two people are in love, well at least that's what the quote describes and i guess he or she needs to take control of the situation.
Love is order and sometimes it looks like the opposite of generous, but the feeling could be very strong on some people too.


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    • Gino

      It is so beautiful to express yourself with such a great feelings, love is everything we have for ever, we just have to keep it in mind as the most precious gift ever given to us.