I DON'T Hide My Mental Issues

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I DON'T Hide My Mental Issues

I have never been one to hide my mental problems that I have been suffering from since I was a preteen. I have chronic anxiety, clinical depression, and borderline personality disorder. I have also been suffering in substance dependence on and off for many years and have almost died several times. If you know me well like you seem to think that you do, then you would not only know these facts about me and also that I have never asked anyone for sympathy. This letter was one that I forgot that I had written. I found it today. It made me cry because I really have came such a long way in my life, REGARDLESS of what complete strangers THINK that they know about me. Please, if you do not support me, then back off before it is too late. 

    • Lisa Dutch

      The sad thing is that thousands of Americans could be suffering of mental problems just like you are describing it in that letter. The chronic anxiety, clinical depression are a real test. I feel sorry for you and hope you find some relief soon.

      • Dalton Martin

        Honey, I am genuinely so sorry that you ever in your life was feeling this way and I am very glad that you lived past all of this heartache and are much happier now!

        • Jackson Rathbone

          I easily relate to this.

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