Real Haunted Scary Doll Possessed

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Real Haunted Scary Doll Possessed

Real Haunted Scary Doll Possessed

Real Haunted Scary Doll Possessed that someone posted on eBay for sale. There was an antique scary doll like this one at my grandma's house that would move around and giggle. My cousin never believed it so I decided to show her one day. I put the doll in the closet facing the door, we waited about 5 minutes and went back, and the doll had turned facing a corner. This was her mom's signature time out move, my cousin has been a believer ever since. Also, when you pinched the dolls toes she would say, "This little piggy.." Then giggle in a very creepy way. Nope! Nope! Nope! AND Nope! That's a whole lot of nope! I'm glad it eventually went in the garbage. I also had to burn a haunted Furby that wouldn't stop speaking an unknown language in a demonic sounding voice, even without batteries.That's was a whole lot of nope too!

    • Abelardo Lopez

      Who wants to own a horrible doll like this one?? It is so scary just to think how it looks at night in your bedroom. It looks like a real Possessed doll.

      • Deena Johnson

        I can even imagine when i was a little girl and laying with my dolls, that one of those will become like this one, scary like hell.

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