Annie Drake


Hello, did know that all i love to eat when i'm very anxious and nervous is chocolate cakes? Well, that's why i live alone and it is because my mother couldn't stand the fact that i'm very independent woman and i can only live like this, lonely and very piggy.
The fact is that i work, i eat and i go to sleep after reading love novels books.
Well, sometimes i watch series on Netflix digital TV because what is the point of paying the monthly fees if i don't watch it, right?

Insurance CompanyState Farm Insurance, it is cheap.
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Preferred Color #AF9797
ProfessionSupermarket Cashier.
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    • Annie Drake
      I ain’t said much on here lately, I been going through the hardest time of my life, basically by myself except for a few, no need to drop names they know I love em and they family even if we don’t share bloodline… and I appreciate you all!!!I’m battling some strong demons,but I’ll come out okay:: And well the reason for this random post is... A vibe found me.. and I don’t know I felt like saying it..I’m almost positive it’s the vibe thats gunna breathe life into me again. Still early but I’m gonna ride this vibe and it’s looking like No more cold and lonely nights are coming.
      • Annie Drake
        Today I went to my friends cookout, and this lady sitting at the table across from me was staring at me for a while , I didn’t say anything I just went about my business. Finally she asked me “Are you an empath”. I kind of hesitated because it was random but I said yeah. She said my aura was purple. I replied oh really wow! I few more minutes went by then told me to come to her. So I walked to her table nervous as hell because I’m like what’s about to happen. She had a stone around her neck about the size of my palm and she took it off. While she was doing that she was telling me how this was crazy for her because she has never allowed anyone to touch it because she spent 100s of dollars on it. But she was so adamant about it. She told me to hold my hand out and she put the stone in my hand and asked me what do I feel. Literally I felt a wave of calmness go through my body. I’ve never felt anything like that. I told her what I felt and she looked at me and said “You are a healer and a powerful one” She went on to tell me that everything I e😜erience is for my bigger purpose here. Ever since that happened I can’t stop thinking about it. I was gonna keep it to myself at first but I want to share. I have had similar encounters like this with people before.
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