Aurora Seferi


I learned to live with pets and if my partner doesn't like it, he can hit the road at any time because I choose to live with my pets the rest of my life.
At my home I decorate all my bedrooms and the living room, as well the patio with Halloween objects and costume dresses and stuff to scare away visitors that don't belong visiting me.
If I'm not mistaken, the time goes fast and this is why I love to live alone and enjoy my life as it is.

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    • Aurora Seferi
      I think the funniest thing I have ever seen was reading the Amazon reviews for a Ouija board! I only looked it up because I went to a comedy show yesterday and the comedian was talking about it so I had to see for myself.
      • Aurora Seferi
        Awkwardness is my specialty. I used to think life was a waste of time, and time a waste of life, so I'd get wasted all of the time and have the time of my life partying while risking my life. Now that I am in my 30s, I'm on the wagon permanently while trying to eat mindfully, and wants to make this a habit that I will stick to every day. But, first, I need to fix my mind completely.
        • Aurora Seferi
          I wonder about things quite frequently. Like, am I making the right choices for myself? What may come of any of these decisions in the nearby future? I never get any exact answer- I have worries and fears like many other people. I'm just not sure if right now I should let them stop me or just say fuck it and move forward with certain choices. I even go as far as to think out possible outcomes and scenarios to almost anything and yet, still it doesn't help. I really hope i'm not just crazy.
            • Kay Buse

              Sometimes in life when I have had to make big decisions I use the Ben Franklin approach. I write out a list of pros and cons for the situation that I am facing. When I list that on paper sometimes one side far outweighs the other and the choice seems more clear. Maybe that will help you. And you are not crazy.

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            • Aurora Seferi
              Everyone does know that if you do not rake your leaves, that they will turn into soil right? It's not like they break into your home or anything. Please reconsider to at least not burn them, have consideration for people with breathing and lung problems.
              • Aurora Seferi
                Aurora Seferi posted to Statuses & Comments
                I think the funniest thing I have ever seen was reading the Amazon reviews for a Ouija board! I only looked it up because I went to a comedy show yesterday and the comedian was talking about it so I had to see for myself.
                • Aurora Seferi
                  Aurora Seferi provided an answer for the question Is our sole purpose In life really to find a spouse?
                  I have been thinking about this a lot lately as well. I think humans created our own concept of what we think love is and looks like ( when it comes to romantic love). If romantic love were truly meant to be the way humans constructed it to be in...
                  • Aurora Seferi
                    Your purpose is whatever you want it to be.
                    • Aurora Seferi
                      Whew you don't know how much I heavily resonated with this!
                      • Aurora Seferi
                        Aurora Seferi posted to Statuses & Comments
                        Awkwardness is my specialty. I used to think life was a waste of time, and time a waste of life, so I'd get wasted all of the time and have the time of my life partying while risking my life. Now that I am in my 30s, I'm on the wagon permanently while trying to eat mindfully, and wants to make this a habit that I will stick to every day. But, first, I need to fix my mind completely.
                        • Aurora Seferi
                          Aurora Seferi posted to Statuses & Comments
                          I wonder about things quite frequently. Like, am I making the right choices for myself? What may come of any of these decisions in the nearby future? I never get any exact answer- I have worries and fears like many other people. I'm just not sure if right now I should let them stop me or just say fuck it and move forward with certain choices. I even go as far as to think out possible outcomes and scenarios to almost anything and yet, still it doesn't help. I really hope i'm not just crazy.
                            • Kay Buse

                              Sometimes in life when I have had to make big decisions I use the Ben Franklin approach. I write out a list of pros and cons for the situation that I am facing. When I list that on paper sometimes one side far outweighs the other and the choice seems more clear. Maybe that will help you. And you are not crazy.

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                              • Kay Buse

                                Sometimes in life when I have had to make big decisions I use the Ben Franklin approach. I write out a list of pros and cons for the situation that I am facing. When I list that on paper sometimes one side far outweighs the other and the choice...

                              • Aurora Seferi
                                Aurora Seferi posted to Statuses & Comments
                                Everyone does know that if you do not rake your leaves, that they will turn into soil right? It's not like they break into your home or anything. Please reconsider to at least not burn them, have consideration for people with breathing and lung problems.
                                • Aurora Seferi
                                  Aurora Seferi provided an answer for the question Recommendations on twisted dystopian novels?
                                  Haven't seen this recommended yet, but if dystopian vampire books are up your alley, there is The Strain trilogy by Chuck Hogan and Guillermo del Toro. It's also been made into a series on Netflix (I believe...might be Hulu) I haven't watched the...
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