Ava Goldberg


Walk like a queen, or walk like you don't give a heck about any queens.

Insurance CompanyQueen Insurance
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Preferred Color #1FDB45
ProfessionGrand Central Bakery
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    • Ava Goldberg
      Embarrassing tid bits of today: Getting my foot stuck inside a rolling trashcan and having my next door neighbor witness said happening, then break down into hysterics..yep. Then, later I break into our own shed cause- can't be bothered with finding the lost key, get the gas jug, step in dog poo, go to the gas station, get treated like morons by the lady on shift, then step in dog poo again.
      • Ava Goldberg
        Since I spend most of the mornings in the kitchen at Grand Central Bakery making Donuts and pastries, I decided to have fun with extra festive wacky colors and icing for my sugar cookies. I hope someone else enjoys the smileys, hearts, christmas trees, and little messages on the cookies as much as I enjoyed making them.
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