Bailey Rose


Hello my name is Anxiety but you can call me Anxious because I have been diagnosed officially with Social Anxiety Disorder, Chronic Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD), Borderline Personality Disorder ( BPD ), Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD), AND Depression. Yessss that's right, I have TWO personality disorders...however, many people do and they just don't know it, yet. Anyway, even though it looks like my life is being defined by mental issues, it isn't really because people say I am the most happiest, fun-loving, free-spirit, and gentle spirit they know. Yessss that's right, I DO have some good friends, even while having Social Anxiety! Lol I was a hot mess as a Tween and Teenager, not gonna lie. But people grow up, cope, and adjust. Life goes on and you make the best of what you're dealt, right? Anxiety and Depression are a part of me, but they do not define me. I define myself. Wanna chat? Hook up with me at @BeeRose117 anytime, i'm a Night Owl, usually. 




“Inside Out”, “Silver Linings Playbook”, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, “Girl, Interrupted”, and “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”

Preferred Color #000000
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Yoga, Puzzles, Photography, Swimming, Embroidery, Painting, Online Chatting

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    • Bailey Rose
      My priority now is befriending people that get it so I spend less time presenting myself verbally about who I am to somebody and more time on connecting. Having to constantly translate your being to people is extremely exhausting especially when you spend a lot of your energy into your existence being understood just for at the end they still don’t get it.
      • Bailey Rose
        Since I have some two faced snitches on & tell her THIS..she can delete whatever she wants and then go try to cause other people legal problems..but I still have the proof. Screenshots from yesterday and from the last time she decided she wanted to get bold. Deleting your threatening statuses and wall posts DOESN'T erase evidence, nice try though!
        • Bailey Rose
          I want to thank and praise my Mom for taking me to the library weekly and reading to me every night before I knew how!
          • Bailey Rose
            I have been diagnosed officially with Social Anxiety Disorder, Chronic Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD), Borderline Personality Disorder ( BPD ), Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD), AND Depression and I got my two vaccinations already. I'm very happy to be an American.
            • Bailey Rose
              Bailey Rose posted to Statuses & Comments
              My priority now is befriending people that get it so I spend less time presenting myself verbally about who I am to somebody and more time on connecting. Having to constantly translate your being to people is extremely exhausting especially when you spend a lot of your energy into your existence being understood just for at the end they still don’t get it.
                • Heather Pearlswig

                  As you get older you see that better company is always what we need to improve our lives, even if it's an old friend they should know the quality of experiences keeps those friendships alive.

                • Bailey Rose
                  Bailey Rose posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Since I have some two faced snitches on & tell her THIS..she can delete whatever she wants and then go try to cause other people legal problems..but I still have the proof. Screenshots from yesterday and from the last time she decided she wanted to get bold. Deleting your threatening statuses and wall posts DOESN'T erase evidence, nice try though!
                  • Bailey Rose
                    Bailey Rose posted to Statuses & Comments
                    I want to thank and praise my Mom for taking me to the library weekly and reading to me every night before I knew how!
                    • Bailey Rose
                      Bailey Rose commented on the file The Hoard Desease
                      Things build up soon overtime and then, there is no more space to put more, other than on top of the others.
                      • Bailey Rose
                        Bailey Rose provided an answer for the question Any Tips On How To Get Him To Budge And Throw Things Away?
                        You legit just moved in together. Leave it alone. It’s his house too. It's going to be a real struggle living with a hoarderer. This will never change and they do this wherever they go. You've got to decide if you can handle this
                        • Bailey Rose
                          Bailey Rose provided an answer for the question Can Anyone Recommend A True Life Horror Story Please?
                          I just watched the trailer for that and OMG
                          • Bailey Rose
                            Bailey Rose provided an answer for the question Do Y’all Think My Mom Actually Visited Me Last Night?
                            It really sounds like a visit, she will be with you on the day too I'm sure. Congratulations on the baby I feel like yes she was there and she will continue to be there for your baby and her duty to be a grandma.   Good luck to you.
                            • Bailey Rose
                              Bailey Rose provided an answer for the question If I gave you 100k right now what would you do with it?
                              Pay to fix my house that the contractors left unfinished over a year ago. I'd put walls and have a kitchen built and put money up for my 4 kids to save for college. So my parents could move in here as they get older! That means I will invest it on...
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