Beth Graham

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    • Beth Graham
      Beth Graham commented on the photo Albino Raven
      I want one! 
      • Albino Raven
      • Beth Graham
        Beth Graham posted to Statuses & Comments
        I have just spent the last half hour trying to get the answer to a simple question from Alexa. I was watching Dirty Dancing and the part came up where they're playing the song in the still of the night. Well I couldn't remember who wrote this. So I asked Alexa because I figured she would probably know. For almost 30 minutes she has been leading me down the rabbit hole on a wild goose chase giving me the names of all these different people, none of whom were correct. But upon looking them up I realized they all had one thing in common. They were all famous horse jockeys. Until then, I do a cross reference and it turns out there was a racehorse by the name of in the still of the night. It turns out Alexa thought I was asking who rode In the still of the night. In order to get the answer about the song I had to ask her who composed in the still of the night. This is too complicated, I would rather go back to using the card catalog.
        • Beth Graham
          Beth Graham posted to Statuses & Comments
          As I sit here and think of what this years brought and done I'm in hope for a better year I think of all that is here and gone the ones near and far I know there are hearts broke and tears have fallen things that has happend that can't be fixed or brought back just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all and may your hearts mend in time we all have a hell of a year and we all will try to make the best of what's left of this crazy year love you all may you all have gracefull day and love one another like it was your last hold these precious moments close for we never know how long it will last Happy Holidays to all!
          • Beth Graham
            Beth Graham posted to Statuses & Comments
            I will eat a salad or something for lunch and go "hey i'm eating healthy today whoo hooo" and then later in the day I will want to eat more and grab a handful or more of candy. Today I had a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and now baking chocolate chip cookies which you all know I will devout most of them tonight Lol!
            • Beth Graham
              Very unique bibs, it is great for all ages people to wear at mealtimes.
              • Beth Graham
                Beth Graham provided an answer for the question Can we start a repurposing thread?
                Not a Novel Award, but I use old Ziplock bags to put smelly trash into like tuna fish cans and vegetable peels. I don’t pay for trash pickup to save money $30/month (?) and I bring my little Ziplock bag and my small amount of trash to work almost...
                • Beth Graham
                  I need to buy one or more Instant Pots to use for myself and probable give as a gift to my friends for their birthdays.
                  • Beth Graham
                    Beth Graham provided an answer for the question Any Tips Or Advice On How To Chill With The Eating Out?
                    So if you make the meatballs, use milk instead of water. It makes it taste so much better. They are pretty easy to make. I also make just the meatballs and have meatball subs and make garlic butter for the buns and toast it. You can use jar pasta...

                  Statuses & Comments

                    • Beth Graham
                      I have just spent the last half hour trying to get the answer to a simple question from Alexa. I was watching Dirty Dancing and the part came up where they're playing the song in the still of the night. Well I couldn't remember who wrote this. So I asked Alexa because I figured she would probably know. For almost 30 minutes she has been leading me down the rabbit hole on a wild goose chase giving me the names of all these different people, none of whom were correct. But upon looking them up I realized they all had one thing in common. They were all famous horse jockeys. Until then, I do a cross reference and it turns out there was a racehorse by the name of in the still of the night. It turns out Alexa thought I was asking who rode In the still of the night. In order to get the answer about the song I had to ask her who composed in the still of the night. This is too complicated, I would rather go back to using the card catalog.
                      • Beth Graham
                        As I sit here and think of what this years brought and done I'm in hope for a better year I think of all that is here and gone the ones near and far I know there are hearts broke and tears have fallen things that has happend that can't be fixed or brought back just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all and may your hearts mend in time we all have a hell of a year and we all will try to make the best of what's left of this crazy year love you all may you all have gracefull day and love one another like it was your last hold these precious moments close for we never know how long it will last Happy Holidays to all!
                        • Beth Graham
                          I will eat a salad or something for lunch and go "hey i'm eating healthy today whoo hooo" and then later in the day I will want to eat more and grab a handful or more of candy. Today I had a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and now baking chocolate chip cookies which you all know I will devout most of them tonight Lol!
                          • Beth Graham
                            Who does she think she is? Well it appears she is someone living her life and unconcerned with who you think she is.
                            • Beth Graham
                              I like stories when they talk about love. It is so simple, if it is about love and marriage, it is always ok and correct.
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