Bette Davidson


I believe in having a good time by always doing what I love. Being a freelance writer and mystery writer requires a lot creativity...and I absolutely love letting my creative juices flow to make a living! I also can cook some mean  smothered steak enchiladas!


Hiking in the Woods :)


Once Upon A Time In America and Wizard Of Oz

Insurance CompanyIsland Insurance Services Hawaii
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Preferred Color #D47216
List of Hobbies

Writing, Reading, Book Club Managing, Playing Board Games, Cooking, Collects Vintage Postcards

ProfessionFreelance Writer and Mystery Book Author

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    • Bette Davidson
      If he has “I love tacos” or "I love Starbucks" on his dating profile, then he’s a basic b**ch.
      • Bette Davidson
        I have been going through this block with my creativity in general over the past years. My disinterest lasted a long period of time spanning years. No painting , no hooping , no drawing, no calligraphy , no nothing. i used to kind of beat myself up about it and felt so much pressure feeling like I NEED to do this because this is a part of who I am. But my bf Ginny told me how life Is an ebb and flow and it stuck with me. So I allowed myself to just exist in this blank space with the understanding that this is temporary and even if it isn’t it’s ok. I just allowed her (me) to be whatever it was she wanted to be in the moment. Here I am now, I just received this huge wave of inspiration , ideas , and just a urge and want to make things. I just want to say , be patient with yourself. Handle yourself with grace and honor your current states of being. Separation is an illusion.
        • Bette Davidson
          About 3 weeks ago my Sis found a rotten orange that was left in the bottom crisper drawer that was very moldy. She immediately threw it away and cleaned out the drawer. The next couple days we discovered that some other food items tasted funny, including the water/ice from our ice maker. I should note that we have a side by side fridge with an outside ice maker. We dumped the ice tray, cleaned it, removed everything from the fridge side and thoroughly cleaned it, placed new baking soda in both the fridge and freezer. I thought everything was fine until I cooked breakfast this morning and the sausage that was bought a couple days ago had the weird taste when we first discovered the orange. Any ideas on what we can do to fix this problem?!
          • Bette Davidson
            So let me clear my throat! Some things are messy, and you just don’t post about them on social media. I have never been that type of person! I try my best not negative or air my dirty laundry on the internet! I felt betrayed, and like I had to e😜lain myself. I have prayed about it, and I know that there is a reason that I am where I am now. God has a plan. So I appreciate all your support, and I apologize for putting all of you into a mess I should have been smart enough to take care of a long time ago. Always preaching about knowing your worth until mine was completely compromised. My life is not perfect, I’m not perfect. But God still loves me and has never left me!! I’m doing what I can to be better not bitter!! That being said I’m not going to stop being me, or keep my social media deactivated. I want to help people even if that means you go through it with me at my worst!!! My trials are my testimony. Someone once told me that God takes care of the fools and the babies!! I totally believe that to be true!
            • Bette Davidson
              That's the spirit my friend! I adore tacos too. :D
              • Bette Davidson
                Bette Davidson posted to Statuses & Comments
                If he has “I love tacos” or "I love Starbucks" on his dating profile, then he’s a basic b**ch.
                • Bette Davidson
                  Bette Davidson posted to Statuses & Comments
                  I have been going through this block with my creativity in general over the past years. My disinterest lasted a long period of time spanning years. No painting , no hooping , no drawing, no calligraphy , no nothing. i used to kind of beat myself up about it and felt so much pressure feeling like I NEED to do this because this is a part of who I am. But my bf Ginny told me how life Is an ebb and flow and it stuck with me. So I allowed myself to just exist in this blank space with the understanding that this is temporary and even if it isn’t it’s ok. I just allowed her (me) to be whatever it was she wanted to be in the moment. Here I am now, I just received this huge wave of inspiration , ideas , and just a urge and want to make things. I just want to say , be patient with yourself. Handle yourself with grace and honor your current states of being. Separation is an illusion.
                  • Bette Davidson
                    Bette Davidson posted to Statuses & Comments
                    About 3 weeks ago my Sis found a rotten orange that was left in the bottom crisper drawer that was very moldy. She immediately threw it away and cleaned out the drawer. The next couple days we discovered that some other food items tasted funny, including the water/ice from our ice maker. I should note that we have a side by side fridge with an outside ice maker. We dumped the ice tray, cleaned it, removed everything from the fridge side and thoroughly cleaned it, placed new baking soda in both the fridge and freezer. I thought everything was fine until I cooked breakfast this morning and the sausage that was bought a couple days ago had the weird taste when we first discovered the orange. Any ideas on what we can do to fix this problem?!
                    • Bette Davidson
                      Bette Davidson provided an answer for the question Need tips for decreasing electric bill please?
                      Just for you to know that dishwashers use less water than hand washing all your dishes. So while you might save a little on electricity you’ll spend more on water.
                      • Bette Davidson
                        Bette Davidson commented on the file Cut In Half Dryer Sheets
                        I don't use any weird balls, I rather to pay more and buy my brand new Snuggle dry sheets. And I don't care what people are saying against my prefer laundry products.
                        • Bette Davidson
                          Bette Davidson provided an answer for the question Do You Have Any Frugal Doings?
                          no silly questions! Here is some info on dryer balls and essential oils. 2beesinapod .com/.../how-to-scent-dryer-balls.../ (join that). How to Scent Dryer Balls Using Essential Oils - 2 Bees in a Pod 2BEESINAPOD .COM How to Scent Dryer Balls...
                          • Bette Davidson
                            I use those glasses sometimes.
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