Billie Eilish


People know me because I love cooking home made foods with the olden recipes. those from my Grandma and  my great Grandmas.
I always care about people not being hungry and offer them my best dishes right from the cooking kitchen.
Additional to reading books, specially mystery books, I enjoy playing action video games on my Play station console.
I have to admit that I sleep a lot and work just enough to pay my home monthly bills.


Ping Pong and Tennis games are OK to me.

Insurance CompanyPhiladelphia Insurance Alpharetta, GA, +1 770-799-3067, car and health insurance
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Preferred Color #E88CDC
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I enjoy watching the sunset from my home windows.

ProfessionManager, Insurance Management Claims

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    • Billie Eilish

      This is my great grandmother's recipe for "stretching" a bar of soap. She kept a quart jar under the kitchen sink. Every tiny scrap of bar...More

      • Billie Eilish
        Billie Eilish posted to the wire

        This is my great grandmother's recipe for "stretching" a bar of soap. She kept a quart jar under the kitchen sink. Every tiny scrap of bar soap, too small to use, was put in the jar. When the quart jar was full of soap bits, she put them all in a... more

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