Deborah Stansbury


My model job takes all my life, I world so hard that in the last ten years I have only two weeks vacations and i went to Rome Italy. On my next vacations I will go to visit the Sloth on the Costa Rican jungle, also the beach for a sweet vacations change.

Insurance CompanyGaico car insurance full coverage for accidents
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ProfessionHospital Anesthesiologist
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    • Deborah Stansbury
      My one word for this new year is C O M M I T T E D. To my goals, to my growth, to learning self care, and to all the things that are most important to me. We so easily push OUR things to the side for others and this year I want to stay committed to the things I know will be best for me in the long run and make ME the best version of myself.
      • Deborah Stansbury
        I have read all my favorite books, used time with the most wonderful people, ate my favorite foods, went out an did things and even changed my hair. - But still I'm sad... As everything else has changed, I hope this feeling can too.
        • Deborah Stansbury
          Deborah Stansbury commented on the photo Spotted Vision Lingering Covid 2023
          You look so cute in your new glasses!
          • Spotted Vision Lingering Covid 2023
          • Deborah Stansbury
            The thing that helped me the most when I lost my dad was keeping myself busy in various ways. Work, hobbies, self care, etc. Do things that keep your mind active and busy. Also, remember to be gentle with yourself and to make sure you're staying fed...Read more
            • Deborah Stansbury
              I am with you, when you're right, you're right! It’s quite the revelation when we realize that the very feet and mouths that pets put in dirty, excrement areas and then they then want to put in and on our faces and mouths. Blech
              • Deborah Stansbury
                My one word for this new year is C O M M I T T E D. To my goals, to my growth, to learning self care, and to all the things that are most important to me. We so easily push OUR things to the side for others and this year I want to stay committed to the things I know will be best for me in the long run and make ME the best version of myself.
                • Deborah Stansbury
                  I have read all my favorite books, used time with the most wonderful people, ate my favorite foods, went out an did things and even changed my hair. - But still I'm sad... As everything else has changed, I hope this feeling can too.
                  • Deborah Stansbury
                    Deborah Stansbury provided an answer for the question What Is The Best Side Hustle You’ve Found?
                    Working giving rides.  Trading a stock.  Shovel snow.  Cut grass. Sell plasma. Maybe work as a dog sitting. Work as a security / or as a body guard for someone. My husband does trading too in the hopes that one day it will give...
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