Hannah Baker


My passion is my family and baking. I also love to read, and prefer it over TV any day of the week. I am extremely crafty and always painting things to make them shine. I am known to fix anything I set my mind to. I work hard and would give anyone in need the shirt off of my back. I love Fruity Pebbles cereal mixed with sherbet, yes all the time and it’s yummy! What can I say, I got good taste. I am also an extremely talented cosmetologist and could whip up the BEST color you’ve ever gotten. Some say I am one of the most kind, yet sarcastic people you’ve ever met Lol! I do love hard and I fight for who I love even harder.

Preferred Color #B95555
List of Hobbies

Baking, Cosmetology, Reading, Crafting, Loving

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    • Hannah Baker
      Hannah Baker posted to Statuses & Comments
      I was just saying to myself this morning that one of the biggest scams is the iPhone, every release is more e😜ensive and they are almost always the same phone with one different feature and popularity allows them to get away with it. Why are we spending over 1k for not that big of a difference. And iPhone REALLY is not better than Samsung. Samsung has really nice phones. It’s popularity and a blue bubble.
      • Hannah Baker
        Hannah Baker posted to Statuses & Comments
        If I open your message it means I read it but sometimes I forget to reply or I get distracted because my life is chaotic but that does not mean I’m ”ignoring” you. I’m not rude and would never purposely hurt anyones feelings. Reach back out. If I don’t answer your calls, don’t be surprised or upset. I don’t answer ANYONES calls. Ask anyone close to me. I am not someone who talks on the phone, ever. Text me. Now that we’ve cleared that up, have a nice day and always love your friends because they’re hard to come by!
        • Hannah Baker
          Hannah Baker posted to Statuses & Comments
          Sometimes I hate this small town.. I can't get a local lawyer because of conflict of interest. Getting one from farther away it will cost me $500 for them to drive for one day, my house payment is only $325 Everyone else in this mess gets a court appointment lawyer but not me because I do right by the children , I love them, I feed them when they are hungry, I make sure they have water and electricity, I make sure they are clean, I make sure they go to the doctor when they need to I'm far from perfect but I put the children first and make sacrifices so they can have everything they need and most of what they want. Maybe I went about it the wrong way maybe I should have cussed and yelled at children, not be able to to keep water and electricity on, cook from a microwave, have bed bugs, let them be dirty and have diapers hanging to their knees, let the children get mistreated and fail for pot on a hair test. Then you got caseworkers saying one thing and assistant county attorney saying something else. I have always had a big heart and would bend over backwards to help anyone. I could have sold my stock pile and made some money but instead I wanted to help others and donated over 2000 items to people that needed it, I could have sold the new toys but instead I decided to donate them ( 2 car loads) to the children that wouldn't have otherwise not had a Christmas. Trying to do the right thing and keep these sisters together like they need to be has made me see how screwed up our system is it is turning me into a cold hearted bitch. If noone else cares enough for these children and will fight to keep them together (but me) why should I care about others. I'm not asking for a new car, house, to pay my bills take me on a cruise all I'm asking for is for someone to step up and help me fight to keep these children together and it looks like I'm asking for too much. I don't put personal stuff on here but I'm to the point I don't care anymore and some need to see how screwed up our system is..as of right now court is a week from today and I have 7 days left to spend with the baby before someone makes the right or wrong choice for her, I am feeling heartbroken!
          • Hannah Baker
            Hannah Baker posted to Statuses & Comments
            Me and my love had a great convo last night. I was reflecting on how blessed I have been lately and everything good has been happening to me. I have been getting everything I want. He brought up that people give so much attention to generational curses and hardly acknowledge generational blessings. He told me to notice that all of these things started happening for me after my mom passed away. He said the things my mom did in this world , the way she moved, the heart she had and the love she gave ….that energy transferred down to me. Like I can’t even begin to describe how blessed I’ve been. To the point when I start to talk about it I get emotional. Some things I didn’t even have to try hard it’s like things are handed to me. It’s like , this is what you wanted so you can have it. And it’s like when I sit here and look back on it and reflect I’m like “what the hell”. Like you ever been so blessed it actually scares you? I just stop and laugh to myself but the overflowing gratitude flows and flows.
            • Hannah Baker
              Hannah Baker commented on I walked away from a...
              Why would she even do that though. I cannot comprehend an adult demanding eye contact from another adult to have a conversation. Im sorry this happened and Im fucking furious on your behalf!
              • Hannah Baker
                Hannah Baker provided an answer for the question Any Super Easy Dinner Ideas
                The kids should be able to help with the cooking, cleaning and laundry. Even the 6 year old can help with a lot of the chores. If it is still cold where you are, then soups and sandwiches are easy, pork or beef roast with potatoes and carrots is...
                • Hannah Baker
                  Hannah Baker provided an answer for the question What Could Be A The Best Holy Week Dinner For Family?
                  At my home, we would normally have a big ham dinner with all the kids, but because of Covid threat, it will just be me and Don. We are having steak on the grill, baked potatoes, broccoli, and pumpkin pie. Only my sisters's family was thinking...
                  • Hannah Baker
                    Hannah Baker joined the group Anything Goes

                  Statuses & Comments

                    • Hannah Baker
                      I was just saying to myself this morning that one of the biggest scams is the iPhone, every release is more e😜ensive and they are almost always the same phone with one different feature and popularity allows them to get away with it. Why are we spending over 1k for not that big of a difference. And iPhone REALLY is not better than Samsung. Samsung has really nice phones. It’s popularity and a blue bubble.
                      • Hannah Baker
                        If I open your message it means I read it but sometimes I forget to reply or I get distracted because my life is chaotic but that does not mean I’m ”ignoring” you. I’m not rude and would never purposely hurt anyones feelings. Reach back out. If I don’t answer your calls, don’t be surprised or upset. I don’t answer ANYONES calls. Ask anyone close to me. I am not someone who talks on the phone, ever. Text me. Now that we’ve cleared that up, have a nice day and always love your friends because they’re hard to come by!
                        • Hannah Baker
                          Sometimes I hate this small town.. I can't get a local lawyer because of conflict of interest. Getting one from farther away it will cost me $500 for them to drive for one day, my house payment is only $325 Everyone else in this mess gets a court appointment lawyer but not me because I do right by the children , I love them, I feed them when they are hungry, I make sure they have water and electricity, I make sure they are clean, I make sure they go to the doctor when they need to I'm far from perfect but I put the children first and make sacrifices so they can have everything they need and most of what they want. Maybe I went about it the wrong way maybe I should have cussed and yelled at children, not be able to to keep water and electricity on, cook from a microwave, have bed bugs, let them be dirty and have diapers hanging to their knees, let the children get mistreated and fail for pot on a hair test. Then you got caseworkers saying one thing and assistant county attorney saying something else. I have always had a big heart and would bend over backwards to help anyone. I could have sold my stock pile and made some money but instead I wanted to help others and donated over 2000 items to people that needed it, I could have sold the new toys but instead I decided to donate them ( 2 car loads) to the children that wouldn't have otherwise not had a Christmas. Trying to do the right thing and keep these sisters together like they need to be has made me see how screwed up our system is it is turning me into a cold hearted bitch. If noone else cares enough for these children and will fight to keep them together (but me) why should I care about others. I'm not asking for a new car, house, to pay my bills take me on a cruise all I'm asking for is for someone to step up and help me fight to keep these children together and it looks like I'm asking for too much. I don't put personal stuff on here but I'm to the point I don't care anymore and some need to see how screwed up our system is..as of right now court is a week from today and I have 7 days left to spend with the baby before someone makes the right or wrong choice for her, I am feeling heartbroken!
                          • Hannah Baker
                            Me and my love had a great convo last night. I was reflecting on how blessed I have been lately and everything good has been happening to me. I have been getting everything I want. He brought up that people give so much attention to generational curses and hardly acknowledge generational blessings. He told me to notice that all of these things started happening for me after my mom passed away. He said the things my mom did in this world , the way she moved, the heart she had and the love she gave ….that energy transferred down to me. Like I can’t even begin to describe how blessed I’ve been. To the point when I start to talk about it I get emotional. Some things I didn’t even have to try hard it’s like things are handed to me. It’s like , this is what you wanted so you can have it. And it’s like when I sit here and look back on it and reflect I’m like “what the hell”. Like you ever been so blessed it actually scares you? I just stop and laugh to myself but the overflowing gratitude flows and flows.
                            • Hannah Baker
                              These days of staying home to prevent myself from getting the virus of Covid19, was a good excuse to spend my time baking cookies and cakes for my friends. Being honest, i don't have enough time for my private life, it is just baking all day and night to meet my customers demands of their orders.
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