Kalini Miller


I'm an Architect that spends the time working with a software for architecture jobs to be done. My career path maintains all my family needs and I'm so happy that i got it done on time before the Covid19 Pandemic because now I can work from home.
There were other career paths that I considered to take before, but I finished with the topography Architect career path.
Anyways, these are the other careers in this list to study at college university:
Land Surveyor.
Construction Engineer.
General contractor.
Neuroradiologist (Neuro (brain) Radiologist

These list is strongly to study any of them because the high salary they pay for.
I'm a normal person because i also like to date, have friends and go to places to enjoy life.
I drive a Toyota automobile and for sure, I love it.
My cell phone is A Samsung Galaxy S20 FE and it makes me feel very secure with it performance.
I lost my mother five years ago and I still have my Grandma, I love her a lot and appreciate her love to me.


Basketball, Softball, Swimming in a large professional swimming pool, Running and some others.


The best 2020 and 2021 movies on Netflix is all I care for:
Happy as Lazzaro (Lazzaro Felice), The Willoughbys, The Sapphires, Miss Americana Starring: Taylor Swift, El Camino.

Insurance CompanyGeico Car Insurance Coverage Plan.
Date Today
Preferred Color #5F1C97
List of Hobbies

Watching TV, Playing Video Games, Bird Watching, Looking Horses Racing etc.

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Statuses & Comments

    • Kalini Miller
      Why do people want to see how far I can be pushed. People are playing dirty now. With what’s going on in my life lately, NOBODY WANTS TO PUSH ME FOR SURE!
      • Kalini Miller
        Me: "Hey Google, tell me something good about myself." Google Home Assistant: "Kalini, being with you is like reading a great book. I never want it to end." I believe today is going to be a really good day. Happy Hump Day!!
        • Kalini Miller
          Yesterday I attended a party and we all had to bring a gift under $10. One of the church members said she was planning to move and wanted to donate some items that she no longer needed. She put a basket in the middle of the room and said take whatever you feel you would like. After our meal, I walked over to the basket. Everything was so neatly packaged. I saw a wooden bird house with a paint set and immediately thought about my elderly friend in a nursing home that loves bird houses and had many in her home before her memory began to fail greatly causing her to be moved to an assisted living facility. I took that. Another member was looking through the basket with me and I told her about my elderly friend. She said, I really don't need anything else in my house because I'm trying to declutter what I have accumulated, so I want to give you my gift from the basket. It was another bird house! Now I can paint one with my friend in the nursing home. The extra things I can bring to the nursing home and add to their tree. The handmade Christmas bag can be refitted. The goal is to give my new items a home or find a home for them. I didn't have ti spend a dime and the generosity of others is the best gift you can receive!
          • Kalini Miller
            I received my second dose of the Covid vaccine!!! In approximately two weeks, I will be fully vaccinated!! I definitely encourage everyone to get the vaccine! Unless enough people get vaccinated, we will never get even close to normal again! In the wise words of Dr. Seuss, "unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
            • Kalini Miller
              To any of you who are wondering why getting their driveway snow plowed is getting more and more e😜ensive, well look at gas prices! Some of you oblivious people voted yourselves into a higher cost of living and should not be allowed to complain of the consequences. As for me, bring on the big snow drifts because I actually love it!
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