Shelley Long


I'm the daughter of an Irish man and an english woman. That makes me an American irish descendent woman, what a great thing.
Like any other person in U.S. I love to be an American citizen and give thanks to God for having that privilege of living here and being able to make a living every day.
I love my family and the food we eat, the clothes we dress, the friends and neighbours we have when they cook best BBQ Ribs.
We celebrate Christmas every year and love the snow, the Oton season and much more. I'm very happy with the beautiful things we have.


American Football, Soccer Football, Softball, Basketball.

Insurance CompanyLiberty Mutual Insurance for vehicles
Date Today
Preferred Color #8A8766
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Paints painting, Fishing, Travelling, Singing, Acting, Art,

ProfessionOwner Of an Affordable Appliance Service Co.

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    • Shelley Long

      My co-worker buddy asked me how old am I turning next month ”30 right?” And I immediately started crying because for a minute I forgot how...More

      • Shelley Long

        I finally killed my iPhone. I had dropped it and it was all cracked. Well I dripped it again today and put the final nail in it's coffin....More

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