Stacie Anderson


Once in a while right in the middle of an ordinary life love gives you a fairytale. I believe in true love from a person that never asks anything in return and they give it all away.
I'm trying to be more healthy from mind and body to live longer and I drive very careful because O believe that driving defensive saves you from car accidents and automobile crashes.

Insurance Companytate Farm Insurance for my car
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Preferred Color #7B5B5B
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Fishing with my brothers and sisters

ProfessionGeneral Operator at Dupont
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    • Stacie Anderson
      I just saw a post that asked, "Who can still remember their childhood phone number?" Several commented that their parent/s not only still have their same landline number, but also the same phone, long cord and all! This touches me deep. My Mom died so young, when I was only 17yrs and she was only 36yrs. I have dreams of calling her from a payphone (I didn't have a cellphone yet when she was alive), and she always would say, "I love and miss you my beautiful Stace-Face!". In real life, me and her were serious best-friends who talked on the phone very often when not together, even during my high school years. She died in a car wreck a week before I graduated H.S.. Those who still have living parents, same phone number or not, cherish them dearly, and shower them with extra love to no end while they're here
      • Stacie Anderson
        If anyone knows what its like to have articles of clothing disappear and reappear in your closet. You know what its like to have a sister!!!!! They will swear! You'll doubt your sanity, but you'll know.
        • Stacie Anderson
          Taking the first step to exercise is easier said than done. I want to get past the common barriers and boost my mental health even further. I am feeling amazing lately!
          • Stacie Anderson
            So far today I have made many yummy things!! Started with some biscuits and gravy, then roasted tomatoes onions carrots and 2 heads of garlic and made roasted tomato soup with the basil from my aerogarden, then air fried some marinated steaks and finished with Dutch oven bread that I started yesterday. All of this I did while watching the snow fall and sitting on breaks in my living room in front of the fire. In the immortal words of Ice Cube, it was a good day.
            • Stacie Anderson
              Think about this for a moment...Ursula was one of the most powerful Disney witches. Her shapeshifting powers seemed to know no bounds...Once she turned you into a worm, you damn well stayed that way until she met her demise), there was no hope of the magic wearing off. Ursula didn't need Ariel's voice for any of her spells, she was simply playing with her, giving her an impossible task to make Triton surrender. She could have shapeshifted into Vanessa or any pretty little mermaid thing she wanted to at any time & stayed that way, but for some reason she chose not to. She was so confident in her body & who she was she never thought to change it unless it served her purpose. She didn't care if she was fat or aging, she actually rather loved herself & didn't care what anyone else thought! I think we could all do with being a bit more Ursula at times - electric eels optional!
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