Recommendation Of An Insurance Company With Good Home Property Coverage?

Recommendation Of An Insurance Company With Good Home Property Coverage?

I'm interested on shopping around for a good real este homes insurance, for our home or has anyone had a similar situation  happen to them before.
Can anyone recommend their insurance company ( if possible, the one they hired for the insurance services with good quotes) for our home or has anyone had a similar situation?
Looking To Buy A Good Home Insurance Coverage

Hello guys and gales, everyone. I was hoping for some advice. My family had to have some repairs done to our home after living here for almost 16 years. Our home owners insurance covered it and now our mortgage has gone up from $1000 every month to close of the amount of $3000 because our insurance is charging us more because of the repairs we had to have done. My boyfriend and I spoken to our agent and she said it would be hard to find a new homeowners insurance because of all the repairs we had to have done. Which BTW were pipes that burst...once it was fixed other pipes would burst. It was a nightmare. Can anyone recommend an insurance company for our home or has anyone had a similar situation happen to them? Thanks in advance, I appreciate it a lot.


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Answers (35)

  • You can get some good " Insurance Quotes" from these companies:
    Geico insurance.
    Florida Insurance agency agents.
    Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
    Progressive insurance company for heath and car.
    State Farm insurance company.
    Allstate Corp.
    Liberty Mutual.
    National General Holdings Corp.
    Tips for liability car insurance Comprehensive and collision Motorcycle insurance etc. There are many more, but I think with those companies is just enough for you to get an idea and car or vehicles insurance estimates / quotes, and some are at all US. states too.

  • I still remember my driving past! was 21 and bought a small ban vehicle. and  I got quoted a little over 750. I went to root for a almost 455.00 savings.
    Right now we use Geico and have two cars (a A Toyota 4 doors sedan, a Honda truck Fit and a Subaru Outback  4x4 car for trips on the snow and dirt roads uphill driving). My husband was in an accident a couple of months ago, but he has no tickets, and we’re both in our 30s. We pay about $275 a month now.

  • You’re lucky they covered it. My sister had a pipe burst and Nationwide refused, they  wouldn’t cover it. They said she needed flood insurance to cover that when she was shopping for insurance she was told she didn’t need flood insurance because not in a flood plain. Nationwide is NOT on your side! Never hire a company that doesn't stand for they are.

  • This is very odd. A pipe bursting is not flood.
    Flood is moving water outside coming inside. If you had water and sewer backup coverage, it would cover damage from the burst pipe.
    However, it is not a reason for the insurance company Nationwide to accept an insurance claim and pay for it. Even contested with the state insurance commissioner to no avail. No according to them.

  • My family's homeowners insurance went up on the monthly cost . When we called and questioned them about it they told me it went up because the price of lumber went up and it would cost more to rebuild my our home. Lumber prices have gone done, but my insurance hasn't . Thanks Allstate for saving our day !

  • The frown face must have came from an Allstate agent.
    It could be exactly what I thought. I always taught my kids you can live without a lot of things, but you can't live without your conscience. I'am blessed they didn't turn out to be insurance agents.

  • In my overview, or at least it is how many people think. Homeowners insurance is such a scam. It's like paying a dead horse until you need the INSURANCE. They're trying to recoup from all the natural disasters they had to pay so now everybody pays. And it's the same with health insurance, them having to pay for all the virus Covid treatment bills.

  • So you’re saying that your insurance company is charging you somewhere near the amount of $25,000 per year for homeowners insurance? Something must be fix and it is not right, it's totally broken.
    I must agree and I think that's something so crazy!

  • I remember when my aunt had a fire years ago. It burnt the whole garage and the side and back of her house. She said thanks to the insurance plan fire protection she just had paid, but when it came due the next year they not only dropped her coverage but it she had a hard time finding another insurance company to insure her property and the car. That's the problem with insurance companies they want your money but hate to pay out when you need them. Which is hardly ever

  • So true. I always told my kids, if you have a minor accident and the damage is less than $1,500, pay it out of pocket because if you turn it into the insurance company, they will double your rates and you will end up paying far more in the long run. I know because it happened to my mother and my dad. The couple had been hit twice by uninsured drivers hitting them from behind which was no fault of their own,  She had a minor finder bender in a parking lot a year later which was my fault, but minor and they threw them in high risk insurance and tripled our premium. They are a dirty lot. Have to have them, but don't use them unless it is totally necessary. Never turn in a minor loss because that minor will become a major in the long run.

  • If I was in your situation, I would definitely be shopping around. Same thing happened to me with an insurance company called Met Life after a roof replacement due to hail damage. My brother said I should check into Esurance which is owned by Allstate (they help customers to start a fast, free auto insurance quote with Esurance). It was half the price I had been paying for two years. I have been very happy and my car is also thru them. So far so good.
    It is a gamble with whoever you go with I think.

  • My sister has. Esurance / Allstate. My husband and I had a tornado go through and she had damage to her house siding and roof. She then found out that for a few dollars more she could have e had a lower deductible. My husband and I have USAA WITH $500 DED. We also WE had a full tear off in 2014. We are paying quite a bit, I called around and could not get $500 ded. It was all 1% of the replacement value. We are staying with USAA.

  • Ask yourselves... Why would the DOI do anything? As long as they are charging their files rates for folks with X number of claims the DOI is not going to do anything.
    The Dept of Insurance will ask both parties for an explanation in writing. Their whole job is to monitor the doings of insurance companies. Believe me, I have seen the Dept. of Insurance come down hard on a company. Believe it or not there are laws in each state that says what an insurance co. can and can’t do! They even approve and dis-approve of new insurance policies. Get an education before you start screaming.

  • I was retired from 10 years in the insurance industry. And being honest with you, I have never heard of anything like this! Please, you should contact the dept. of Insurance in your state immediately. Explain the situation….something is wrong here. They will intervene on your behalf.

  • All I can say It is so sad, but the truth is that all people need is insurance for home and car but can’t ever use it usually for that very reason.
    My Niece wrecked her car. But at home just bought another so we didn’t file a claim. This used car that we could pay cash for and hopes her car insurance didn’t go up from the report of the accident.
    An Insurance coverage is required but rarely can people afford to use it with how much it will increase.
    Same with homeowners, I pay for repairs.
    I save x amount of dollars in a slot to keep our insurance costs low as possible.
    Just keep looking.
    Our homeowners is Select. But it is probably locally owned by an agent and with a bigger umbrella group.
    Mine is a 3 bed / 2 bath and $950 per year maybe.
    Increase of the homeowners is probably just set for a set time. Ask. Once the insurance co recoupes their loss, it will go back down or sooner if you don’t file any more claims.

  • Thank you for your advice - I like it and I'm making note of it too, as I have an aging home as well and so far haven't had to use my insurance except for a new roof 10 years ago.

  • I went looking for a great deal to an insurance brokers office. All the online / specific company quotes I received were unrealistic (off of site, not serious ) - right now with my insurance payments being more monthly that the mortgage!! Now It’s just based on mortgage amount of $ ( not rebuilding value ) and only $350 a year!

  • I must to agree. Reality is I would never build again in places where hurricanes hit  and destroy people's properties. I just need to cover my mortgage amount in case of a total loss.

  • That means your homeowners is 25k a year? Something is wrong. Are you sure taxes also didn't go up? Do you renew every 6 or 12 months? We had a 19,000 roof that had to be replaced, insurance went up $179 for the entire year.

  • Mortgage is separate from home owner Insurance. You can link them through a impound account that pays it and taxes. You can shop and get quotes for home insurance. Also you can increase and decrease some portions.

  • Definitely call around to compare quotes and prices. It's always a good practice to get new quotes every year or so anyway. Check with the company you have your car insurance through to start. Otherwise try progressive?

  • From my point of view, I strongly believe you are being taken advantage of - and your insurance agent might be in on it. I think that if I was in your situation, I immediately Find a different independent insurance agent right away and have them shop carriers for you.

  • Good luck. when I lived in South Florida with my Grandma years ago, her house was hit by a hurricane & it got a lot of damage. The insurance said they weren’t raising the rates because of the claim. She asked why her rental properties weren’t going up. The agent was really a big help. It was a natural disaster & our Governor was very supportive about no price gouging. The insurance company backed off.

  • I had no idea that that could happen. I didn’t know that your mortgage was connected to your insurance And could affect how much you pay on the monthly bill

  • My husband and I had our house flood due to a leak in our upstairs bathroom, some water pipe broke. It ran all day while we were not home because of or jobs. Ended up replacing our entire kitchen, walls and all. The total repairs to floor in dining room and bedroom, electrical upgrades as well as plumbing. The claim was over 55k and our insurance covered it all and our rates never went up!

  • This is what I know about those kind of insurance plans. It’s only connected when you have taxes and insurance included in your mortgage payment. You can choose to pay it separately but I find it easier to have it all in one payment.

  • I think that repairing your home through your insurance should make your insurance go down on monthly costs or payment, not up. My roof was just replaced through my insurance and because it’s now a new roof and not the original, my insurance went down $345/year.
    Try calling the nearest office of Allstate insurance company. They have a wide range of homes and situations they accept and their car insurance is top quality, so you can bundle:)

  • I have heard about a company called Farmers Insurance has very reasonable rates. We haven’t gotten out homeowners insurance bill yet. When I do, I may be contacting them.

  • Most of our income goes to sate and federal taxes and insurance for the cars and the home. It’s very ridiculous! Why pay for homeowners insurance?!! We pay so much every year maybe make a couple of claims over the years and they go up in prices or cancel you!! This just isn’t right! Someone needs to do something about this!

  • My opinion is that can't be right, that would be a crazy policy. I would call your mortgage holder to find out why the price increased. Your taxes probably went up but it shouldn't be in the $2,000's a month more even with tax and insurance hike.

  • I left Allstate who I had been with for 12 years and no claims to go with Safeco. Allstate didn't pay for several things and was trying to under cut products. Two pipes broke on different levels of the house. We waited to change insurance carriers until the claims were off our record. Safeco cut our bill in half.

  • That is something that can happen to anyone. It actually happened to me. My family had a tree come into the house ins paid out 29,000 the next week we were put in high risk for 7 yrs. Oh did I mention it was our fist claim in 15 yrs.

  • That isn't true at all, when it's done through a claim and not as upkeep.
    Or Maybe the person meant $2,100 a year and mistakenly said per a 30 days period. I do that at times

  • Get aware that it is their insurance business procedure, and of course, you don't have to take your agents word...go to your insurance directory online and find the best companies, type " insurance companies near me " on the search engine and get quotes from other agencies. I had Farmers...would also increase my auto premium...went to State Farm...premium went down and I got better coverage.

  • What Home Property Coverage insurance quotes do you prefer to buy, because they all are cheap if you live in a safe neighborhood or expensive if you live in a populated dangerous city. I mean, You should be checking the search engine and then call all of them to shop their best insurance deal for your case.