How Often Do You Go Out To Eat With Your Hubby?

How Often Do You Go Out To Eat With Your Hubby?

Restaurant Tables To Sit Down And Eat
It was a nice table, and there were several people eating at those tables.
I ate out yesterday night with my hubby and realized that there are a couple of things we need to do, one is to cut restaurant costs.
We drink water:  if we really want soft drinks, we’ll buy and drink them before and / or after our meal. We rarely have drinks, and even more rarely dining out.
Most places charge $2-4 per person for soft drinks. We can pick up a couple of three liters for less than that AND we will still have some left over for later. If we had kids still living at home, I would tell them ahead of time that we are doing that so we avoid a scene. Ditto for desserts:  unless there is a restaurant dessert so good that it’s a “must have,” pick up a frozen dessert at the grocery store.  Dessert at the night’s restaurant dinner cost was $8-9 for one. We can buy a huge piece of cake, big enough for two,  for $3-4, or a frozen pie for $4-5. So, by drinking water and not ordering dessert, we trimmed $10-15 or more off of the night’s dining bill, and had a delightful dinner.

Answers (10)

  • Tonight we were traveling and so we stopped in a small town to have dinner. Knew we were in trouble when they asked if we had reservations.. anyway we had 2 appetizers and of course water. We of course split the appetizers. We have done the appetizers meal before. Usually when we are traveling.

  • For my daughter-in-law’s birthday, she wanted sides and appetizers for her dinner. 
    I feel the same not to mention so much better in the waistline..
    My husband & I have done nachos for dinner. It’s not necessarily cheaper, but it has satisfied our appetites better.

  • When you plan a trip I pack healthy snacks. We either stop for lunch and eat snack for dinner or skip lunch and eat a nice dinner. We don't order alcohol or dessert.

  • On trips with my girlfriend, we still eat out, but not ALL meals. I try to go during the lunch specials sometimes.

  • Not only is it more frugal, but I find I enjoy the food more than if I am filling up on sugary drinks, and by the time I finish eating a restaurant meal I usually wouldn't have room for dessert. I go to a restaurant for the food that they prepare, not for a soft drink I can have anytime at home!

  • 2 days ago my wide and I were traveling and so we stopped in a small town to have dinner. Knew we were in trouble when they asked if we had reservations.. anyway we had 2 appetizers and of course water. We of course split the appetizers. We have done the appetizers meal before. Usually when we are traveling.

  • For those traveling, have you ever tried the Hot Logic Mini? It doesn’t work fast, but you can use either the 12 Volts phone charger in your car or an inverter with the plug. So, you can have a meal heating up while you’re on the road.

  • We do this as well. We also eat a order a main meal (dine at the restaurant towards the end of the lunch hour, say 2 o’clock ) and eat a light supper at home later in the evening, unless it a special occasion.

  • I understand, I guess for me when I go out I'am not scrimping. But I do not go out often.
    And if we decide to spend sometime together at a good food restaurant, I never buy dessert. I just eat a lot of sweets. We can pick it up and then I let it sit at home. So my fiance ends up eating and said to me no more. I agreed.

  • I try to go during the lunch specials.
    Then I thought it was much better my cooking and started to use my new oven for making baked pork ribs with green salads tomatoes and lettuces.
    We saved a lot of money in a year.